هـذه الوحـدة التـعـليـميـة هـي مصـدر للمحـاضـريـن
أدوات تدريس إضافية
يتضمن هذا القسم وصلات إلى الوسائل التدريسية ذات الصلة، مثل شرائح "باوربوينت" والمواد الفيديوية ودراسات الحالات الإفرادية والموارد الأخرى التي يمكن أن تساعد المحاضر على تدريس المسائل التي تشملها النميطة. ويمكن للمحاضرين تكييف الشرائح والموارد الأخرى.
شرائح عرض تقديمي "باوربوينت"
عرض PowerPoint تقديمي للوحدة التعليمية 8
مواد الفيديو
- An Example of Restorative Justice with Sujatha Baliga (Vice President and Director of the Restorative Justice Project, 2016) (5:26 minutes)
- Restorative Justice is… (Howard Zehr) (Restorative justice practitioner and theorist, co-director of the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, 2009) (2:22 minutes)
- Reconciliation Committees at Police Stations in Pakistan, produced by Rehan Niazi (2009). (4:51 minutes)
- Theft Example - Restorative conference: Full Conference Video (28 minutes)
- What a world without prisons could look like (Deanna Van Buren, co-founder and design director of Designing Justice + Designing Spaces, 2018) (15:19 minutes)
- Interview Judge Andrew Becroft (Previous Principal Youth Court Judge of New Zealand (2001-2016), currently Children's Commissioner in New Zealand, 2018) (6:40 minutes)
- Interview Dr Khylee Quince (Associate Head of Law School, Director of Māori and Pacific Advancement, Auckland University of Technology, 2018) (9:33 minutes)
- Restorative Justice: Strengthening the Community (Lindsey Pointer, restorative practices facilitator, trainer and researcher, 2015) (2:05 minutes)
- Forget Reentry. Restorative Justice Keeps People Out Of Prison (Fania Davis, Director Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, 2016) (1:33 minutes)
- Restoring Harmony after Murder (Brenda Morrison, Director of the Centre for Restorative Justice, Associate Professor in the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, 2014) (7:21 minutes)
- A victim's guide to restorative justice (UK Restorative Justice Council, 2015) (3:30 minutes)
- Giving victims a voice - restorative justice (UK Ministry of Justice, 2013) (3:36 minutes)
- Online Roundtable on Restorative Justice Pedagogy, with academics from the Asia Pacific Region (UNODC E4J in collaboration with the Law Department of Maynooth University, Ireland) (136:56 minutes)
- Online Roundtable on Restorative Justice Pedagogy, with academics from North, Central and South America (UNODC E4J in collaboration with the Law Department of Maynooth University, Ireland) (180:22 minutes)
- Online Roundtable on Restorative Justice Pedagogy, with academics from Africa, Europe and the Middle East (UNODC E4J in collaboration with the Law Department of Maynooth University, Ireland) (137:05)
منظورات الضحية والجاني
- Burning Bridges is a documentary about the arson of Mood's Bridge, a historic covered bridge in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA, and the restorative conference held in its wake. The International Institute for Restorative Practices facilitated this emotional conference, which brought together the six young men who burned down the bridge with their families and members of the community. Using news footage, interviews and video of the actual conference, the documentary tells the story of a community moving through grief and anger to healing. (35 minutes)
- I met man who abused me as a child (BBC News, 2015) (6:18 minutes)
- Accepting I'm a Murderer - Jacob Dunne Interview (This Morning, ITV, 2016) (6:31 minutes)
- Colorado school replaces punishment with 'talking circles' (PBS NewsHour, PBS, 2014) (7:30 minutes)
- Repairing the harm (Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, 2015) (11:44 minutes)
- Meeting with a killer - Documentary (2001) (44:06 minutes)
- European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) » See for a list of films and documentaries on restorative justice
موارد سمعية - مرئية أخرى
- RJ Library, Centre for Justice & Reconciliation
- Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice
- International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) Video Library (free access)
دورات إلكترونية
- Centre for Justice & Reconciliation (Prison Fellowship International) » Website offers a wide range of information and resources on restorative justice, including an online tutorial: " Introduction to Restorative Justice"
- edX Online Course (Victoria University of Wellington): " Restorative Justice and Practice: Emergence of a Social Movement."
المواقع الإلكترونية
- European Forum for Restorative Justice » Provides a wide range of Resources, including Research reports
- Restorative Justice 4 All (RJ4All) - Theo Gavrielides website » Large library with e-books, articles, papers, and other material on restorative justice
- Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice » Provides resources and training on restorative justice
- Napier Libraries Collections. Judge McElrea Restorative Justice Collection
- Lorenn Walker Publications and Restorative Justice & Healing Blog
- Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice. Publications
- Restorative Teaching Tools – Games and Activities for Understanding Restorative Practices
- International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence
التالي: مبادئ توجيهية لوضع دورة قائمة بذاتها
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