Agenda - Day 3: Thursday, 3 December 2020

All times indicated are Central European Time (CET), except where stated otherwise. By clicking on any session title, you can find detailed information on the event.

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Highlights of Day 3





Parallel sessions
10:00 - 11:30 Strengthening Efforts to Promote Quality Education on the Rule of Law for Refugees in the Post-Pandemic World UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa English
10:00 - 13:00 Образование в области противодействия коррупции для высших учебных заведений в Центральной Азии и Восточной Европы
Anti-Corruption Education in Universities in Central Asia and Eastern Europe (Part 1)
The Academy of General Prosecutor’s Office Uzbekistan / UNODC English, Russian
10:00 - 12:30 "Образовательные инструменты E4J" для предупреждения преступности среди молодежи / Жастар арасындағы құқық бұзушылықтың алдын-алуға арналған E4J оқу құралдары
E4J Educational Tools for Crime Prevention among Youth (Session 1)
UNODC Programme Office in Kazakhstan Kazakh, Russian
Parallel sessions
14:00 - 15:30 Reaching SDG16 through Higher Education: Are We Ready to Educate the Future Leaders? International Association of Universities (IAU) / UNODC English
14:00 - 15:30 Disrupting the Image of Youth Activism across the Globe in the 21st Century Ubongo English
15:00 - 16:30 تعزيز العدالة وسيادة القانون من خلال التعليم: ممارسات واعدة من المنطقة العربية
Promoting Justice and the Rule of Law through Education: Promising Practices from the Arab Region
UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa Arabic
Parallel sessions
16:00 - 17:30 El uso e impacto de las TICs en la educación
The Use and Impact of ICTs in Education
UNODC Liaison and Partnership Office in Mexico Spanish
16:00 - 17:30 Tendencias actuales de la delincuencia organizada en América Latina
Current Trends of Organized Crime in Latin America
Tecnológico de Monterrey Spanish
16:00 - 17:30 MUNs, Prevenção do Crime e Educação para a Cidadania Global: Percursos educativos para reforçar o conhecimento sobre o Estado de Direito entre os jovens / MUN, prevención a la criminalidad y educación para la ciudadanía global: Vías educativas para fortalecer el conocimiento del estado de derecho entre jóvenes
MUNs, Crime Prevention and Global Citizenship Education: Educational Paths to Strengthen Knowledge on Rule of Law amongst Youth
UNODC Liaison and Partnership Office in Brazil Portuguese, Spanish
16:00 - 17:30 Unlocking the Power of Creativity and Art: Youth as Agents of Change to Achieve the SDGs UNODC English
18:00 - 19:30 BOLIVIA TIME Prevención de la violencia de género en colegios: Progreso y desafíos
Prevention of Gender Violence in Schools: Progress and Challenges
UNODC Country Office in Bolivia Spanish
Closing session
18:00 - 18:15 Highlights of Day 3 UNODC Advocacy Section English
Next: Day 4
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