This module is a resource for lecturers
Possible class structure
This section contains recommendations for a teaching sequence and timing intended to achieve learning outcomes through a three-hour class. The lecturer may wish to disregard or shorten some of the segments below in order to give more time to other elements, including introduction, icebreakers, conclusion or short breaks. The structure could also be adapted for shorter or longer classes, given that the class durations vary across countries.
Introduction - 15 minutes
- Conduct Exercise 1, which will allow the students to discuss their understanding of and experiences with public sector corruption (10 mins).
- Introduce the Module and provide an overview of its Key issues (5 mins).
Overview of public sector corruption - 45 minutes
- Introduce and discuss different approaches to combating public sector corruption. Draw on the Key issues section of the Module and the pre-reading, especially USAID (2017) (15 mins).
- Conduct Exercise 2 (30 mins).
Causes of public sector corruption - 45 minutes
- Introduce and discuss the causes of public sector corruption. Draw on the Key issues section of the Module and the pre-reading, especially Vito Tanzi (1998) (20 mins).
- Ask students to propose ways to reduce opportunities for corruption in specific public sector spheres (e.g. public health delivery, public education, judiciary, police) and facilitate a class discussion around their proposals (25 mins).
Understanding procurement corruption - 40 minutes
- Conduct Exercise 3 (20 mins).
- After the discussion, shed further light on procurement corruption by drawing on the Key issues section of the Module and the pre-reading, especially Tina Soreide (2002) (20 mins).
Cultural issues in public sector corruption: gifts and conflicts of interest - 30 minutes
- Conduct Exercise 4.
Conclusion - 5 minutes
Core reading
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