Published in May 2019
This module is a resource for lecturers
Possible class structure
This section contains recommendations for a teaching sequence and timing intended to achieve learning outcomes through a three-hour class.
NOTE: The class structure proposed is merely indicative. As students' prior knowledge and exposure to these issues varies widely, the lecturer should adapt contents as well as the time suggested for each component of the Module, according to the educational and social context, needs of the students and as otherwise appropriate.
Ice-breaker and attention-catcher
It is proposed to commence this Module with an interactive exercise whereby students are asked to bring examples of what they consider to be common stereotypes about men and women, boys and girls, and then to discuss how these stereotypes may apply to TIP and SOM (app. 15 minutes). Alternatively, lecturers could use the role play exercise (Power Walk) described in Exercise 10.
Proposed questions for discussion:
- What are the key attributes, roles and personality traits that are associated with women? Are those the same for men?
- Do you think these are gender stereotypes?
In responding to these questions, students are invited to bring examples of gender stereotypes they hear and see in the media, in films, or in social conversations with friends and families.
- Do you think gender stereotypes also influence the way we approach crimes in general?
This activity is an 'ice-breaker' and 'attention-catcher' with the objective of triggering a discussion on gender stereotypes. Before defining gender, the exercise seeks to raise awareness and to bring students to notice how gender assumptions and stereotypes are often present in our daily lives. Gender is not only a theoretical concept, it is a facet of who we are, how we interact and how we perceive others.
It is suggested that the discussion be driven with a view to raise some of the following related elements:
- Raise awareness about the fact that:
- Social perceptions about men and women impact on our views regarding what is considered feminine and masculine, and that such views will also impact on our way to approach crimes, including TIP and SOM.
- Gender stereotypes about TIP and SOM often portray women and girls as being inherently vulnerable and predominantly victims.
in line with the topics described under Introduction and learning outcomes (app. 90 minutes)
Break (10 minutes)
Exercises (app. 60 minutes)
- Brief presentation of the exercises by the lecturer (10 minutes).
- The class is divided in two or three groups with each group being assigned a different exercise.
- Each group shall carry out the task assigned and write down a summary of its conclusions (for example on a flipchart or in a power point document (30 minutes), and prepare for the presentation of the key points.
- Each group presents the summary of their conclusions (5-10 minutes per group).
Core reading
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