This module is a resource for lecturers
Possible class structure
This section contains recommendations for a teaching sequence and timing intended to achieve learning outcomes through a three-hour class.
- Exercise 1 (building on preparatory reading/viewing) [30 minutes]
- Exercise 2 [20 minutes]
- Lecture on Prosecuting the crimes of Rape and Sexual Violence - based on the materials presented in Topic 3, and the PowerPoint presentation provided [30 minutes] or
- Exercise 3 - mini lecture and small group discussion on the ecological approach to understanding violence against women [30 minutes]
- Case study 2 - present case study, discuss, and circulate the CEDAW comments, and facilitate a plenary discussion to encourage students to understand the obligations on States with respect to the right to life [50 minutes]
- Exercise 4 [45 minutes]
- Debrief and strengths based Strategies for Change - lecturers should take the time at the end of the class to acknowledge the seriousness of the topics and cases discussed, and to remind students of their options in accessing resources to debrief more fully. Lecturers are encouraged to engage in a strengths-based discussion about the role that each person can play as an agent for change. This is an empowering note to end on, and will encourage students to apply their knowledge, rather than feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem. Introducing the final exercise or student assessment on "Imagining a world without gender-based violence" might be useful here - or perhaps the video (3:38 minutes in length) in which Eve Ensler talks about activism, titled "men need to join the fight to end violence against women." (15 February 2018, Time Magazine) [Full debrief session 15 minutes].
Core reading
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