This teaching guide is a resource for lecturers  




This Teaching Guide and the associated University Module Series on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice were developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as part of the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative under the Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration. UNODC wishes to thank the following academics for their leading role in drafting the Teaching Guide and associated Modules (in alphabetical order): András László Pap, Andrea Păroşanu, Anna Constanza Baldry, Catherine Appleton, Daniela Cavallini, Ed Lloyd Cape, Garner Clancey, Helen Marie Maras, Lisa Gormley, Menaal Munshey, Nazli Yildirim Schierkolk, Stuart Maslen, Taslima Monsoor and Yvon Dandurand. UNODC furthermore acknowledges with profound gratitude those who have supported the development of the Modules and the Teaching Guide by reviewing drafts and/or participating in the E4J Expert Group Meetings in Vienna in July 2018 and October 2018 (in alphabetical order): Ana Ferreira, Bernard Ntahiraj, Daniela Piana, Daryl Higgins, David Mcquoid-Mason, Dildora Rakhimova, Dirk Van Zyl Smit, Eddy Nguiffeu, Emma Ryan, Giuseppina Maddaluno, Ian Marder, Isabelle Bartkowiak-Théron, Jing Geng, Karl Klockars, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Keir Irwin-Rogers, Lina Buchely, Marufjon Kurbanov, Nivio Nascimento, Olga Espinoza Mavila, Simonas Nikartas, Sónia Moreira Reis, Stefan Schumann and Teresa Lancry A. S. Robalo.

The following UNODC staff were involved in the development and/or review of this Guide and the associated Modules: (in alphabetical order) Alexandra Martins, Anika Holterhof, Anna Giudice, Bianca Kopp, Claudia Baroni, Hannah Sands, Jee Aei Lee, Johannes De Haan, Julia Pilgrim, Lucia Gonzalez, Marco Teixeira, Mohamed Hassani, Muriel Jourdan, Philipp Meissner, Roberta Solis, Sven Pfeiffer, Tatiana Balisova, Valerie Lebaux and Wendy O’Brien.

UNODC wishes to express its gratitude to the Government of the State of Qatar for its generosity in providing funding for the development of this Teaching Guide and the associated University Modules on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

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