هذه الوحدة التعليمية هي مورد مرجعي للمحاضرين
قراءات متقدمة
يوصي هذا القسم بقراءات متقدمة يقوم بها الطلبة المهتمون باستقصاء المواضيع الرئيسية التي تنطوي عليها هذه الوحدة التعليمية التعليمية بمزيد من التفصيل، وكذلك المحاضِرون الذين يدرسون هذه الوحدة التعليمية:
- Alderman, Richard (2014). Development of a Preliminary Study on Possible Regulatory Developments to Enhance the Private Sector Role in the Fight against Corruption in a Global Business Context. Report of the B20 Task Force on Improving Transparency and Anti-Corruption, 8 January 2014.
- Arlen, Jennifer (2012). Corporate Criminal Liability: Theory and Evidence . In: A. Harel and K. Hylton, eds. Research Handbook on the Economics of Criminal Law, Edward Elgar.
- Arlen, Jennifer, and Reinier Kraakman (2012). Controlling Corporate Misconduct: An Analysis of Corporate Liability Regimes . NYU Law Review, vol. 72, no, 1 pp. 687-779.
- Ayres, Ian, and John Braithwaite (1992). Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate . New York: Oxford University Press.
- Buell, Samuel W. (2018). The Responsibility Gap in Corporate Crime. Criminal Law and Philosophy, vol. 12, issue 3 (September), pp. 471-91.
- Campos, Nauro, Saul Estrin, and Eugenio Proto (2010). Corruption as a Barrier to Entry: Theory and Evidence. IZA Discussion Paper Series, No. 5243. Institute for the Study of Labor.
- Field, Alan (2017). ISO 37001: An Introduction to Anti-Bribery Management Systems. IT Governance Publishing.
- Green, Stuart P. (2013). Official Bribery and Commercial Bribery: Should They Be Distinguished? In: Jeremy Horder and Peter Alldridge, eds. Modern Bribery Law: Comparative Perspectives, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Guiso, Luigi, Paola Sapienza, and Luigi Zingales (2015). The Value of Corporate Culture, Journal of Financial Economics. Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 117, issue 1 (July), pp. 60-76.
- Gutmann, Jerg, and Viola Lucas (2018). Private-Sector Corruption: Measurement and Cultural Origins. Social Indicators Research, vol. 138, issue 2 (July), pp. 747-770.
- Institute of Business Ethics (2010). Business Ethics for SMEs .
- International Monetary Fund (2016). Corruption: Costs and Mitigating Strategies . Washington, DC.
- International Monetary Fund (2019). Fiscal Monitor: Curbing Corruption . Washington, DC.
- Moretti, Diogo (2018). The Use of Intermediaries in Corrupt Deals - Lessons from the Petrobrás Case for Compliance Officers . IACA Research Paper Series, No. 06. Laxenburg, Austria: International Anti-Corruption Academy.
- Pinto, Jonathan, Carrie R. Leana, and Frits K. Pil (2008). Corrupt organizations or organizations of corrupt individuals? Two types of organization-level corruption. Academy of Management Review, vol. 33, no.3, pp. 685- 709.
- Sööt, M.L. and others (2016). Private-to-private corruption: Taking business managers' risk assessment seriously when choosing anti-corruption measures. 2016 OECD Integrity Forum. Paris, March.
- Tyler, Tom R. (2014). Reducing Corporate Criminality: The Role of Values. Faculty Scholarship Series. Paper 4989. New Haven: Yale University.
- Transparency International (2009). Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption in the Private Sector . Transparency International, Cambridge University Press, and Ernst and Young.
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization and United Nations Offoce on Drugs and Crime (2007). Corruption prevention to foster small and medium-sized enterprise development: Providing anti-corruption assistance to small businesses in the developing world. UNIDO and UNODC . Vienna.
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2013). India: Incentives for corporate integrity in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Corruption .
- Wickberg, Sofia (2013). Corruption risks and mitigation strategies in Small and Medium Size Enterprise lending. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute.
التالي: تقييم أداء الطلبة
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