هذه الوحدة التعليمية هي مورد مرجعي للمحاضرين
قراءات أساسية
يتضمن هذا الباب قائمة مواد (غالبا ما تكون) ميسورة المنال يمكن للمحاضر أن يطلب من الطلاب قراءتها قبل التحاقهم بدورة دراسية تستند إلى هذه الوحدة التعليمية.
- United Nations (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child , GA Resolution 44/25. New York: UN.
- United Nations (2014). United Nations Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Children in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice , GA Resolution 69/194. New York: UN.
- UNODC (2015). Introductory Booklet on the United Nations Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Children in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice . New York: United Nations.
- International NGO Advisory Council on Violence against Children (2016). Ten Years On: Global Progress & Delay in Ending Violence against Children - The Rhetoric & the Reality . New York: International NGO Advisory Council on Violence against Children.
- INSPIRE (2016). Seven Strategies for Ending Violence against Children . Luxembourg: World Health Organization.
- INSPIRE (2018). Inspire Handbook: Action for implementing the seven strategies for ending violence against children . Luxembourg: World Health Organization.
التالي: قراءات متقدمة
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