Publicado em junho de 2018.
Este módulo é um recurso para professores
- Hudson, Manley O. ed. (1941). International Legislation: A Collection of the Texts of Multipartite International Instruments of General Interest , vol. 7, no. 499.
- Proudhon, P. J. (1840). What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government .
- Morozov, Nikolai (1880). "The Terrorist Struggle." Fully reprinted in: Violence in Politics. Terror and Political Assassination in Eastern Europe and Russia, Feliks Gross ed. The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1972.
- Thullen, George (1964). Problems of the Trusteeship System: a Study of Political Behavior in the United Nations. Librairie Droz.
- Walzer, Michael (1977). Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. Basic Books.
- Wilson, Heather (1988). International Law and the Use of Force by National Liberation Movements. Clarendon Press.
- Whittaker, David (2001). The Terrorism Reader. London: Routledge.
Capítulos de livros
- Falk, Richard A. (1990). "Revolutionaries and Functionaries: The Dual Face of Terrorism." In Charles W. Kegley, Jr., ed. International Terrorism: Characteristics, Causes, Controls. St. Martin's Press.
- Hannay, William M. (1988). "The Legislative Approach to the Political Offense Exception." In M. Cherif Bassiouni ed. Legal Reponses to International Terrorism - U.S. Procedural Aspects. Dordrecht: Nijhoff.
- Lenin, Vladimir (first published 1914, republished 1972). " The Right of Nations to Self-Determination." In Lenin's Collected Works, Vol 20. Progress Publishers.
- Pyle, Christopher H. (1988). "The Political Offense Exception." In M. Cherif Bassiouni ed. Legal Reponses to International Terrorism - U.S. Procedural Aspects. Dordrecht: Nijhoff.
- Schmid, Alex (2006). "Magnitudes and Focus of Terrorist Victimization." In Uwe Ewald and Ksenija Turković eds. Large-Scale Victimisation as a Potential Source of Terrorist Activities. IOS Press.
- Šeparović, Zvonimir Paul (2006). "International Terrorism: Large-Scale Victimization' Terrorism." In Uwe Ewald and Ksenija Turković eds. Large-Scale Victimisation as a Potential Source of Terrorist Activities. IOS Press.
- Turković, Ksenija (2006). "What Victimology has to Offer in the Fight Against Terrorism." In Uwe Ewald and Ksenija Turković eds. Large-Scale Victimisation as a Potential Source of Terrorist Activities. IOS Press.
- Veatch, R. (1983, reprinted 2010). "Minorities and the League." In The League of Nations in Retrospect: Proceedings of the Symposium, United Nations Library, Geneva: Series E, Guides and studies 3. De Gruyter.
- Zimmer, Kenyon (2009). " Propaganda by the Deed." In Immanuel Ness ed. The International Encyclopaedia of Revolution and Protest. Malden: Blackwell.
Convenções, cartas e tratados
- Atlantic Charter . 14 August 1941.
- Convention on Extradition, adopted by the Seventh International Conference of American States. League of Nations Treaty Series , vol. 165, p.45. Montevideo, 26 December 1933.
- Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism. League of Nations, document C.546.M.383.1937.V. Geneva, 16 November 1937.
- Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Treaty on Cooperation among the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Combating Terrorism . Minsk, 4 June 1999.
- United Nations. International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages . Treaty Series, vol. 1316, p. 205, New York, 17 December 1979.
- United Nations. International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings . Treaty Series, vol. 2149, p. 256, New York, 15 December 1997.
- United Nations. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism . Treaty Series, vol. 2178, p. 197.
Artigos em periódicos / online e apresentações
- Illustration of David C. Rapoport's 'The Four Waves of Terrorism' . 2004.
- Chadwick, Elizabeth (1996). " Terrorism and the law: Historical contexts, contemporary dilemmas, and the end(s) of democracy." Crime, Law and Social Changes, vol. 26, issue 4, pp. 329-350.
- Fidler, David P. (2016). " Cyberspace, Terrorism and International Law." Journal of Conflict and Security Law, vol. 21, issue. 3,pp. 475-493.
- Fleming, Marie (2008). " Propaganda by the deed: Terrorism and anarchist theory in late nineteenth-century Europe." Terrorism, vol. 4, issue 1-4, pp.1-23.
- Friedlander, Robert A. (1976). "The Origins of International Terrorism: A Micro Legal-Historical Perspective." Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, vol. 6, p. 49.
- LaFree, Gary, Nancy A. Morris and Laura Dugan (2010). " Cross-national patterns of terrorism: comparing trajectories for total, attributed and fatal attacks, 1970-2006." British Journal of Criminology, vol. 50, no.4, pp. 622-649
- Morgan, Edward M. (1988). "The Imagery and Meaning of Self-Determination." New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, vol. 20, pp. 355-359.
- Parker, Tom, and Nick Sitter (2016). " The Four Horsemen of Terrorism: It's Not Waves, It's Strains." Terrorism and Political Violence, vol. 28, issue 2, pp. 197-216.
- Wilson, Margaret A., Angela Scholes and Elizabeth Brocklehurst (2010). " A behavioural analysis of terrorist action: the assassination and bombing campaigns of ETA between 1980 and 2007." British Journal of Criminology, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 690-707.
Materiais da ONU
- Charter of the United Nations . San Francisco, 26 June 1945.
- Security Council resolution 1267 (1999).
- Security Council resolution 1373 (2001).
Relatórios e observações
- Fawcett, James (1979). "The International Protection of Minorities." Minority Rights Group, Report No. 41.
- International Law Association, Use of Force Committee (2010). "Final Report on the Meaning of Armed Conflict in International Law." The Hague.
- O'Brien, Patricia (2012). "The Åland Island Solution: A precedent for successful international disputes settlement." Remarks made on 17 January.
Referências brasileiras sobre Terrorismo
Sites de Pesquisa Bibliográfica
- BRASIL. Dec. 5.639, de 26.12.2005. Promulga a Convenção Interamericana contra o Terrorismo, assinada em Barbados, em 03.06.2002. Disponível em: []. Acesso em: 11.02.2015.
- BRASIL. Lei 7.170, de 14.12.1983. Define os crimes contra a segurança nacional, a ordem política e social, estabelece seu processo e julgamento e dá outras providências. Acesso em: 08.03.2015.
- Lei Nº 13.260, de 16 de março de 2016.
- Proposições legislativas: PLS 178/2015; PLS 272/2016; PLS 76/2018. Fonte: Agência Senado. Bibliografia geral
- ABBOTT, Phillip K. A ameaça Terrorista na Área da Tríplice Fronteira: Mito ou Realidade? Observatório de Segurança Pública, Bahia, 2005. Acesso em: 12.03.2015.
- AL-NASSER, Nassir Abdulaziz. General assembly actions to counter terrorism, 28.06.2012. Disponível em: []. Acesso em: 10.02.2015.
- ABIN defende mais preparo do Brasil contra ameaças químicas e biológicas. Agência Brasileira de Inteligência, 30 abr. 2018. Disponível. Acesso em 1 maio 2018.
- AGÊNCIA BRASILEIRA DE INTELIGÊNCIA. Cooperação Nacional. Disponível. Acesso em: 2 maio 2018.
- AGÊNCIA BRASILEIRA DE INTELIGÊNCIA. SISBIN. Disponível. Acesso em: 2 maio 2018
- AMARAL, Arthur. A Tríplice Fronteira e a Guerra ao Terror: dinâmicas de constituição da ameaça terrorista no Cone Sul. Rio de Janeiro: Apicuri, 2010.
- ARAÚJO, Vera. Terroristas criam canal em português e preocupam Abin: Extremistas do Estado Islâmico trocam mensagens em grupo de aplicativo para celular. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 16 jun. 2016. Disponível. Acesso em: 2 maio 2018.
- AS Fronteiras brasileiras: vulnerabilidades e oportunidades. ABIDES, 10 jan. 2011, Disponível. Acesso em: 2 mai. 2018
- BRASIL. STF. Acórdão no Pedido de Prisão Preventiva para Extradição 730/DF. Rel. MELLO, Celso de. DJ 16.12.2014. Disponível. Acesso em: 01.03.2015.
- BRASIL. STF. Ext 855/República do Chile, Pleno. Rel. MELLO, Celso de, Informativo/STF 358, de 01.09.2004. j. 26.08.2004, DJ 01.07.2005, RB, v. 17, n. 501, 2005, p. 21-22. Acesso em: 20.02.2015.
- CUNHA, Ciro Leal M. da. Terrorismo internacional e a política externa brasileira após o 11 de setembro. Dissertação (Mestrado), Instituto Rio Branco. Brasília: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2009. 216p.
- JUSTIÇA FEDERAL. 14ª Vara Federal de Curitiba. Ação Penal Nº 5046863-67.2016.4.04.7000/PR. Juiz Federal Marcos Josegrei da Silva. Evento 613 – Sentença. Disponível. Acessado em: 31 jul. 2017.
- MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO FEDERAL. Denúncia Pública, Curitiba:PR, 2016. Disponível. Acessado em: 31 jul. 2017
- O PROCESSO DE RADICALIZAÇÃO E A AMEAÇA TERRORISTA NO CONTEXTO BRASILEIRO A PARTIR DA OPERAÇÃO HASHTAG in Revista Brasileira de Inteligência. Disponível. Brasília: Abin, n. 12, dezembro 2017
- SILVA, Francisco Carlos Teixeira A Conversão e o Juramento: o terrorista “conectado” do Daesh (Mimeo) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, 2017.
- Terrorismo Internacional: Análise Conceitual, Vulnerabilidades e Formas de Combate Brasileiras. Disponível.
Sites de Pesquisa Bibliográfica