Este módulo es un recurso para los catedráticos
Lecturas avanzadas
Se recomiendan las siguientes lecturas para las y los estudiantes interesados en explorar los temas de este Módulo con más detalle, y para el profesorado que imparten el Módulo:
- Borcan, Oana, Mikael Lindahl and Andreea Mitrut (2014). The impact of an unexpected wage cut on corruption: Evidence from a "Xeroxed" exam. Journal of Public Economics, vol. 120 (December), p.p. 32-47.
- Borcan, Oana, Mikael Lindahl and Andreea Mitrut (2017). Fighting Corruption in Education: What Works and Who Benefits? American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 180-209.
- Bretag, Tracey (2013). Short-cut students: From academic misconduct to academic integrity. In Global Corruption Report: Education . Berlin: Transparency International.
- Denisova-Schmidt, Elena, Martin Huber, and Yaroslav Prytula (2015). An experimental evaluation of an anti-corruption intervention among Ukrainian university students. Eurasian Geography and Economics, vol. 56, issue 6, p.p. 713-734.
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (2004). Preventing Corruption in the Education System: A Practical Guide. Eschborn.
- Hallak, Jacques, and Muriel Poisson (2002). Ethics and corruption in education (Policy Forum No. 15). Results from the Expert Workshop held at the IIEP, Paris, France, 28-29 November 2001. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.
- Heyneman, Stephen (2004). Education and Corruption. International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 24, issue 6 (November), p.p. 637-648. Elsevier.
- Heyneman, Stephen (2014). How Corruption Puts Higher Education at Risk. International Higher Education, no. 75 (Spring), p.p. 1-6.
- Heyneman, Stephen, Kathryn H. Anderson and Nazym Nuraliyeva (2008). The Cost of Corruption in Higher Education. Comparative Education Review, vol. 52, no. 1 (February), p.p. 1-25.
- Leach, Fiona (2013). Corruption as abuse of power: Sexual violence in educational institutions. In Global Corruption Report: Education. Berlin: Transparency International.
- Lucifora, Claudio and Marco Tonello (2014). Students' Cheating as a Social Interaction: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in a National Evaluation Program. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 115.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2015). Consequences of Corruption at the Sector Level and Implications for Economic Growth and Development. Paris.
- Osipian, Ararat L. (2012a). Economics of corruption in doctoral education: The dissertations market. Economics of Education Review, vol. 31, issue, 1 (February), p.p. 76-83.
- Osipian, Ararat L. (2012b). Will bribery and fraud converge? Comparative corruption in higher education in Russia and the USA. Compare (October), p.p. 252-273. Taylor and Francis.
- Poisson, Muriel (2010). Corruption and Education. Education Policy Series. Paris: International Academy of Education.
- Reinikka, Ritva and Jakob Svensson (2004). Local Capture: Evidence from a Central Government Transfer Program in Uganda. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 119, no. 2 (May), pp. 679-705.
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2015). Corruption-Risk Assessment in the Kosovo Education Sector.
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (2016). Advisory statement for effective international practice: combatting corruption and enhancing integrity: a contemporary challenge for the quality and credibility of higher education.
Recursos para combatir la corrupción a través de la educación
Otro aspecto del nexo educación-corrupción es que la educación podría ser una herramienta poderosa para prevenir la corrupción. Aunque este tema no se aborda en el Módulo 9, es relevante para la discusión más amplia sobre cómo combatir la corrupción de manera sostenible y efectiva, que es el tema transversal de la Serie de módulos universitarios E4J contra la corrupción. El profesorado y estudiantes interesados en este tema pueden consultar los siguientes recursos:
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2018). Education for Integrity: Teaching on Anti-Corruption, Values and the Rule of Law. Paris.
- Taylor, Veronica (2002). Anti-Corruption and Asian Legal Professions. In Corruption in Asia: Rethinking the Governance Paradigm, Tim Lindsay and Howard Dick, eds. Annandale, NSW: The Federation Press.
- United Nations, Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Education in schools and universities on anti-corruption efforts (article 13, paragraph 1 (c) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption). 28 May 2018. CAC/COSP/WG.4/2017/2/Rev.1
- Whalen-Bridge, Helena (2017). The Rhetoric of Corruption & The Law School Curriculum: Why Aren't Law Schools Teaching About Corruption? In Legal Education in Asia: From Imitation to Innovation, Andrew Harding and others, eds. Brill.
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