Ce module est une ressource pour les enseignants
Lectures avancées
Les lectures suivantes sont recommandées pour ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leurs connaissances sur les sujets abordés dans ce module :
- Barnes, David W. (2011). Congestible Intellectual Property and Impure Public Goods. Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, Vol. 9(8), 533-563.
- Brauneis, Robert and Roger E. Schechter. (2006). Geographic Trademarks and the Protection of Competitor Communication. Trademark Reporter, Vol. 96(4), 782-850.
- David, Matthew and Halbert, Deborah. (eds). The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property, SAGE.
- Franklin, Jonathan. (2013). International Intellectual Property Law. Electronic Resource Guide. American Society of International Law.
- Guan, Wenwei. (2014). Private-Public Dynamics: The Paradox of Intellectual Property Philosophy. In: Intellectual Property Theory and Practice: A Critical Examination of China's TRIPS Compliance and Beyond, Chapter 2. Springer.
- Maras, Marie-Helen. (2016). Cybercriminology. Oxford University Press.
- Maras, Marie-Helen. (forthcoming, 2020). Cyberlaw and Cyberliberties. Oxford University Press.
- Osei-Tutu, J. Janewa. (2017). Humanizing Intellectual Property: Moving Beyond Natural Rights Property Focus. Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law, Vol. 20, 207-257.
- Sellin, Jennifer Anna. (2015). Does one size fit all? Patents, the Right to Health and Access to Medicines. Netherlands International Law Review, Vol. 62(3), 445-473.
- WIPO. (2004). Intellectual Property Handbook, second edition.
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