Ce module est une ressource pour les enseignants
Lectures avancées
Les lectures suivantes sont recommandées pour les étudiants intéressés par une exploration plus approfondie des sujets de ce module, ainsi que pour les enseignantes et enseignants qui enseignent ce module :
Les documents portant cette icône se trouvent dans la bibliothèque de ressources E4J.
Publications des Nations Unies, du Conseil de l’Europe et de l’Union européenne :
- Conseil de l’Europe (2018). Recommandation (2018) 8 du Conseil de l'Europe relative à la justice restaurative en matière pénale. Strasbourg : CdE
- Conseil Economique et Social des Nations Unies (2002). Principes fondamentaux concernant le recours à des programmes de justice réparatrice en matière pénale
- ONUDC (2008). Manuel sur les programmes de justice réparatrice. Vienne : ONUDC
- Union européenne (2012). Directive 2012/29/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 25 octobre 2012 établissant des normes minimales concernant les droits, le soutien et la protection des victimes de la criminalité et remplaçant la décision-cadre 2001/220/JAI du Conseil. Bruxelles : UE.
Autres publications
- Assepo, Eugène Assi (2000). “Les Modes Extrajudiciaires De Règlement Des Litiges En Côte d'Ivoire.” Verfassung Und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America, vol. 33, no. 3, 2000, pp. 304–332
- Bolívar, Daniella, Aertsen, Ivo and Inge Vanfraechem (2015). Victims and Restorative Justice: An Empirical Study of Needs, Experience and Position of the Victim within Restorative Justice Practices. Country Reports. Leuven: European Forum for Restorative Justice.
- Carrington-Dye, Louise, Emerson, Geoff, Grammer, Diane, Hagemann, Tomar, Hagenmaier, Martin, Hallam, Mary, Knežević, Mladen, Lüth, Mirka, Lummer, Ricarda, Nahrwold, Mario, Reis, Sόnia, Santos, Artur and Renata Soher (2015). Victims in Restorative Justice at Post-sentencing Level. A Manual. Schriftenreihe Soziale Strafrechtspflege: Kiel University.
- Chapman, Tina, Gellin, Maija and Monique Anderson (2015). Protecting Rights, Restoring Respect and Strengthening Relationships: A European Model for Restorative Justice with Children and Young People. Brussels: International Juvenile Justice Observatory.
- Loi n°2016-886 portant Constitution de la République de Côte d’Ivoire (2016). Journal Officiel de la République de Côte d’Ivoire. 58e année, N°16.
- Daly, Kathleen (2000). Sexual assault and restorative justice. Restorative Justice and Family Violence Conference: Australian National University.
- Daly, Kathleen (2017). Sexual Violence and Victims’ Justice Interests. In: E. Zinsstag and M. Keenan, eds. Restorative Responses to Sexual Violence: Legal, Social and Therapeutic Dimensions. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Daly, Kathleen and Danielle Wade (2016). Sibling Sexual Violence and Victims’ Justice Interests: A Comparison of Youth Conferencing and Judicial Sentencing. In: E. Zinsstag and M. Keenan, eds. Restorative Responses to Sexual Violence: Legal, Social and Therapeutic Dimensions. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Drost, Lisanne, Haller, Birgitt, Hofinger, Veronika, van der Kooij, Tinka, Lünnemann, Katinka and Annemieke Wolthuis (2015). Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence. Best practice examples between mutual understanding and awareness of specific protection needs. Netherlands: Verwey-Jonker Institute.
- Dünkel, Frieder, Horsfield, Philip and Andrea Păroşanu (2015). Research and Selection of the Most Effective Juvenile Restorative Justice Practices in Europe: Snapshots from 28 EU Member States. Brussels: International Juvenile Justice Observatory.
- Gavrielides, Theo (2007). Restorative Justice Theory and Practice: Addressing the Discrepancy. Helsinki: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI).
- Hansen, Toran and Mark Umbreit (2018). Four decades of victim-offender mediation research and practice: The evidence.Conflict Resolution Quarterly.
- Hope, James (2017). “Restorative Justice: A Panacea to Crime Prevention in Nigeria”. Ahmadu Bello University
- Katounas, Jackie and Fred McElrea (2001). Restorative justice in prisons – a New Zealand experience. Wellington: International Corrections and Prisons Association.
- Lauwaert, Katrien and Ivo Aertsen(2015). Desistance and restorative justice. Mechanisms for desisting from crime within restorative justice practices. Leuven: European Forum for Restorative Justice.
- Laxminarayan, Malini (2014). Accessibility and Initiation of Restorative Justice. Leuven: European Forum for Restorative Justice.
- Lecomte, Jacques (2012). La justice restoratice. Revue du MAUSS, n° 40, 223 - 235
- Lin, Olivia (2005). Demythologizing Restorative Justice: South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts in Context.ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, vol. 12, No. 1, 41-86.
- Llewellyn, Jennifer J and Robert Howse (1999). Institutions for Restorative Justice: The South Africa Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The University of Toronto Law Journal, vol. 49, No. 33, 355-388.
- Lummer, Ricarda, Hagemann, Otmar and Reis, Sόnia (2015). Restorative Justice at post-sentencing level in Europe. Schriftenreihe Soziale Strafrechtspflege: Kiel University.
- Lünnemann, Katinka and Annemieke Wolthuis (2015). Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence: Best practice examples between increasing mutual understanding and awareness of specific protection needs. Austria: Institute of Conflict Research (IKF) & Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS).
- Le Pape, Marc and Vidal, Claudine (2003). Côte d’Ivoire : l’année terrible 1999-2000. Karthala.
- Mercer, Vince, Madsen, Karin Sten, Keenan, Marie and Estelle Zinsstag (2015). Doing restorative justice in cases of sexual violence: A practice guide. Leuven: Institute of Criminology.
- Ministry of Justice (2017). Restorative Justice Best Practice Framework. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Justice.
- Pali, Brunilda and Christa Pelikan (2010). Building Social Support for Restorative Justice: Media, Civil Society and Citizens. Leuven: European Forum for Restorative Justice.
- Pepinsky, Hal (2013). Peacemaking Criminology. Critical Criminology vol. 21, No. 3, 319-339.
- Pointer, Lindsey (2016). Understanding transformational space: an analysis of restorative justice conferences through religious studies theoretical lenses. Restorative Justice. An International Journal. vol. 4, No. 2, 148-167.
- Robins, Simons (2015). Restorative approaches to criminal justice in Africa. The case of Uganda. Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 57-84.
- Skelton, Ann and Mike Batley (2008). Restorative Justice: A Contemporary South African Review. Acta Criminologica, vol. 21, No. 3, 37-51.
- Van Ness, Daniel (1997). Perspectives on Achieving Satisfying Justice: Values and Principles of Restorative Justice. Achieving Satisfying Justice Symposium: Vancouver.
- Zinsstag, Estelle, Teunkens, Marlies and Brunilda Pali (2011). Conferencing: A Way Forward for Restorative Justice in Europe. Leuven: European Forum for Restorative Justice.
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