This module is a resource for lecturers
This section contains material that is meant to support lecturers and provide ideas for interactive discussions and case-based analysis of the topic under consideration.
Exercise # 1 ~ Who are you going to call?
Instruct your students to research the cybercrime reporting mechanisms of their country before class. Students should come prepared to discuss the answers to the below questions in class.
Discussion questions
- Where is cybercrime reported?
- Were you informed about where to report cybercrime? If so, when and by whom?
- Are there any national education and/or awareness campaigns on cybercrime reporting? Have these campaigns been evaluated?
Exercise # 2 ~ Hypothetical cybercrime investigation
The website of E-Bank was taken offline preventing customers from accessing the website. You have been hired to conduct a cybercrime investigation. You suspect a DDoS attack.
Discussion questions
- What obstacles might you encounter during your investigation?
- What steps will you take to try to identify the perpetrator or perpetrators of this cybercrime?
Exercise # 3 ~ Who responds?
Ask your students to conduct research on their country and identify the stakeholders involved in cybercrime investigations. Students should come prepared to discuss the answers to the below questions in class.
Discussions questions
- Who investigates cybercrime in your country?
- What is each stakeholders' role in cybercrime investigations?
- What cybercrimes do these stakeholders investigate?
- Are there any public-private partnerships in cybercrime investigations? If so, which ones?
- Are there any knowledge management practices applied to cybercrime investigations? If so, which ones?
Exercise #4 ~ GDPR and WHOIS
Have your students review the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Task students to conduct research to determine the impact of the GDPR on WHOIS data availability.
Discussion question
How does this impact cybercrime investigations?
Possible class structure
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