Ce module est une ressource pour les enseignants 


Lectures essentielles


Cette section fournit une liste de documents (partiellement en libre accès) que l’enseignant ou enseignante peut demander aux étudiants de lire avant de suivre un cours basé sur ce module. 

  • Bjørgo, Tore (2016). Preventing Crime: A Holistic Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Brantingham, Paul and Faust, Frederic L (1976). A conceptual model of crime prevention, Crime and Delinquency, vol. 22, No. 3, 284-96.
  • Chainey, Spencer and Ratcliffe, Jerry (2005). GIS and crime mapping. Chester: Wiley and Sons.
  • Clarke, Ronald V (2012). Opportunity makes the thief. Really? And so what?. Crime Science, vol. 1, No. 3, 1-9.
  • Ekblom, Paul (2011). Intelligence. In Crime Prevention, Security and Community Safety Using the 5Is Framework. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Homel, Ross and Thomsen, Lisa (2017). Developmental Crime Prevention. In N. Tilley and A. Sidebottom, eds. Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety. Devon: Willan Publishing.
  • Interpeace, Indigo, ONU-CI (2015), Obstacles à la cohésion sociale et dynamiques de violence impliquant les jeunes dans l’espace urbain, Rapport de recherche participative.Johnson, Shane D, Tilley, Nick, and Bowers, Kate J (2015). Introducing EMMIE: an evidence rating scale to encourage mixed-method crime prevention synthesis reviews. Journal of Experimental Criminology, vol. 11. No. 3, 459-473.
  • Johnson, Shane D, Tilley, Nick, and Bowers, Kate J (2015). Introducing EMMIE: an evidence rating scale to encourage mixed-method crime prevention synthesis reviews. Journal of Experimental Criminology, vol. 11. No. 3, 459-473.
  • Lab, Steven (2016). Crime Prevention: approaches, practices and evaluations. New Providence: LexisNexis.
  • MacKenzie, Doris and Farrington, David (2015). Preventing future offending of delinquents and offenders: what have we learned from experiments and meta-analyses? Journal of Experimental Criminology, vol. 11, No. 4, 565-595.
  • Sampson, Robert (2004). Neighbourhood and community: Collective efficacy and community safety. New Economy, vol. 11, No. 2, 106-113.
  • Schneider, Stephen (2014). Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  • Sutton, Adam, Cherney, Adrian, and White, Rob (2014). Crime Prevention - Principles, Perspectives and Practices. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tilley, Nick (2009). Crime Prevention. Devon: Willan Publishing.
  • Tonry, Michael and Farrington, David (1995). Building a safer community: strategic approaches to crime prevention. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2010). Handbook on the Crime Prevention Guidelines - Making them work. Vienna: UNODC.
  • van Dijk, Jan and de Waard, Jaap (1991). A two-dimensional typology of crime prevention projects. Criminal Justice Abstracts, vol. 23, No. 4, 483-503.
  • Weisburd, David., Farrington, David, and Gill, Charlotte (2016). What Works in Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation: Lessons from Systematic Reviews. London: Springer.
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