This module is a resource for lecturers
This section contains material that is meant to support lecturers and provide ideas for interactive discussions and case-based analysis of the topic under consideration.
Exercise # 1 ~ Standard Operating Procedures
Instruct your students to conduct research on the standard operating procedures (SOPs) relating to digital evidence of law enforcement agencies in their country. Assign students to select and review the SOP on digital evidence of one law enforcement agency. Students should come prepared to discuss the answers to the below questions in class.
Discussion Questions
- What was included in the SOP?
- What digital handling procedures were covered?
- Were any unique constraints that could be encountered during the investigation covered in the SOP? If so, which ones?
Exercise # 2 ~ Digital Evidence Acquisition
You are investigating a cybercrime committed against Company Z. The system that has been targeted by the cybercrime provides critical services. What type of acquisition would you perform? Why?
Exercise # 3 ~ Digital Forensics Expert Qualifications
Task you students to research on the required qualifications of digital forensics experts in their country. Students should come prepared to discuss the answers to the below questions in class.
Discussions Questions
- What are the required qualifications of digital forensics experts?
- Are these qualifications assessed? If so, in what ways?
- Why are qualified digital forensics experts needed?
Possible class structure
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