This module is a resource for lecturers
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- Attwood, David, Anne-Kathrin Glatz and Robert Muggah (2006). Demanding Attention: Addressing the Dynamics of Small Arms Demand , Geneva: Small Arms Survey and the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO).
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- Florquin, Nicolas and Benjamin King (2018). From Legal to Lethal . Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
- Follman, Mark, Julia Lurie, Jaeah Lee, and James West (2015). The True Cost of Gun Violence in America . MotherJones.
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- Grant, Jonathan (2012). "Merchants of Death": The International Traffic in Arms. Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective. Origins: Current Events in Historical perspective, Ohio State University, Vol. 6, Issue 3, December 2012.
- Greene, Owen and Elizabeth Kirkham (2007). Small Arms and Light Weapons Transfer Controls to Prevent Diversion: Developing and Implementing Key Programme of Action Commitments , Geneva: Biting the Bullet Project.
- Hamer, John (1976). Debate Over Wisdom of Weapons Transfers , CQ Researcher.
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- Hoffman, Christopher (2014). Elisha K. Root: Colt's Manufacturing Mastermind, Connecticut: Hartford Courant.
- Holtom, Paul and Irene Pavesi (2017). Trade Update 2017 : Out of the Shadows, Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
- Howell, Elizabeth (2018). Navstar: GPS Satellite Network ,
- Jenzen-Jones, N.R. (2014). Producers of Small Arms, Light Weapons, and Their Ammunition . Small Arms Survey Research Notes, Number 43, July 2014.
- Karp, Aaron (2007). Completing the Count . Small Arms Survey Yearbook 2007.
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- Killicoat, Phillip (2007). Weaponomics: the Global Market for Assault Rifles. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4202, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Kimball, Daryl (2017). The Wassenaar Arrangement at a Glance , Washington DC: The Arms Control Association.
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- Lipson, Michael (1999). The Reincarnation of COCOM: Explaining Post-Cold War Export Controls. The Non-proliferation Review, Winter 1999.
- McKie, Robin (2015). James Watt and the sabbath stroll that created the industrial revolution . The Guardian, 29 May 2015.
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- Newton, George D. and Franklin E. Zimring (1968). Firearms and Violence in American Live . Washington DC: National Criminal Justice Reference Service.
- Wailes, Rex, Fred Landis, Everett B. Woodruff, Robert L. Seale and Charles R. Russell (2018). Energy conversion . Encyclopaedia Britannica.
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- Schweller, Randall L. (2016). The Balance of Power in World Politics , Oxford: Oxford Research Encyclopaedias.
- Simpson, Timothy W. (2018). Craft Production, the American System of Manufacturing, andMass Production , Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University.
- Thomas, Clayton (2017). Arms Sales in the Middle East: Trends and Analytical Perspectives for U.S. Policy, Washington: Congressional Research Service.
- US Department of State (2001). Background Paper: Can Small Arms and Light Weapons Be Controlled? Washington DC: Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.
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- Weber, Max (1919). Politics as a Vocation , Munich: Duncker and Humboldt.
- Wohlforth, William C., Richard Little, Stuart J. Kaufman, David Kang, Charles A. Jones, Victoria Tin-Bor Hui, Arthur Eckstein, Daniel Deudney and William L. Brenner (2007). Testing Balance-of-Power Theory in World History. European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 13, Issue 2, 155-185.
- Woolcott, Peter (2014). The Arms Trade Treaty. United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, Geneva: United Nations.
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- Yablon, Alex (2017). The Good Guy with a Gun Theory, Debunked .
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