This module is a resource for lecturers  


Student assessment


This section provides suggestions for post-class assignments for the purpose of assessing student understanding of the Module. Suggestions for pre-class or in-class assignments are provided in the Exercises section.

The following three post-class assignments are proposed:

1. A set of short-answer questions testing what has been learned in the Module, to be responded to on paper after the class. Examples of questions could be: a) What have you learned from this Module? b) Why should a business be ethical? c) Why is it important for a person in business to have integrity? d) In what ways can a business lose money due to being unethical? e) In what ways can a business be more profitable due to having integrity? f) Please give an example of a compliance measure that could form part of a code of ethics.

2. A project, to be completed within two weeks after the Module. Interview someone about the company in which he or she works to understand what is being done to build and maintain integrity and ethics towards all stakeholders. Have they overlooked their duties to any stakeholders? Do they have a formal or informal business ethics programme? Does the programme promote integrity or compliance or both? Apart from the interview do additional research (for example, study media reports or analyse publicly available information where available) to know more about the company. Write a report on your findings and recommend what can be done to further improve the levels of integrity and business that they have already achieved. Give reasons for your recommendations. Maximum length: 1500 words. In countries where this project will need ethical approval from the institution hosting the course, informed consent forms should be agreed on and signed by the interviewee. Otherwise, the lecturer may choose to have the students conduct other kinds of research using publicly available information, e.g. media or secondary data.

3. Students could be asked to research and critique the code of ethics for a local firm. The lecturer could either distribute a pre-determined list of local companies, or require students to select and sign up for exclusive coverage of a local firm. In the latter case, the student must first confirm that the business in question has a code of ethics.


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