This module is a resource for lecturers
Additional teaching tools
This section includes links to relevant teaching aides such as PowerPoint slides, video material, case studies, and other resources that could help the lecturer teach the issues covered by the Module. The slides and other resources can be adapted by lecturers.
PowerPoint presentation
Video material
Listed below are several short video clips that focus on some of the issues raised in the Module.
- A brief video in which a woman recounts her ongoing fear after being the victim of a burglary: Victim Impact: Listen and Learn - Leanna's Story (3:35 minutes)
- A brief video in which a woman describes the impact of her sister's homicide: Victim Impact: Listen and Learn - Amy's Story (4:18 minutes)
- A news item exploring the role that protective orders can play as part of broader efforts to protect victims of domestic violence: Does court order of protection help victims of domestic violence? (3:26 minutes)
Victim impact statements
- Tutorial from National Crime Institute describing the process of Victim Impact Statements: Toolkit Tutorial: Victim Impact Statements (13:29 minutes) and Aly Raisman addresses Larry Nassar, calls out U.S.A. Gymnastics in victim impact statement | ESPN (12:48 minutes)
- Empowering VIS from the famous case of Gymnastics survivors' from sexual abuse by Larry Nassars: 17-year-old has powerful words for Larry Nassar (10:12 minutes).
Restorative justice for the right of victims
- Mark Umbreit explaining the principles of restorative justice and of victim offender mediation (9:48 minutes)
- Katy Hutchison, TED talk on the advantage for victims and the community and offender of a restorative justice approach (18:20 minutes)
- A story of a woman whose father was murdered and the restorative approach that provided her with peace and well-being (9:41 minutes).
The gender dimension
- Jimmy Carter, TED talks , Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse (16:23 minutes).
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, TED Talks, We should all be feminists(29:28 minutes).
Guidelines to develop a stand-alone course
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