Special events are meetings, presentations or panel discussions on topics that are relevant to the work of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption and that are held outside the formal proceedings. Whilst the organization of these meetings is coordinated and facilitated by the secretariat, the sole responsibility for the content of these events (including promotional materials and the events themselves) as well as for the related technical arrangements rests with the organizers.
These events are open to registered CoSP10 participants. The links for online participation in each event can be found in the INDICO platform to which registered participants have access.
The organizations of the United Nations system are committed to enabling events in which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful and safe manner. Events facilitated by the UN system are guided by the highest ethical and professional standards, and all participants are expected to behave with integrity and respect towards all participants attending or involved in the events.
Guidelines for special events | Information for participants: English - Arabic - Chinese - French - Russian - Spanish
All times below are Atlanta time (EST). The image indicates the room name and number at the Georgia World Congress Center.
NARACOM is a coalition of all civil society actors, selected according to specific criteria, including national and local associations, academic researchers and media professionals. It consists of a digital platform as a main tool for sharing information and denouncing corruption.
Organizer: High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Fight against Corruption of Algeria
Highlighting the role of financial intelligence units in detecting crimes of corruption and human trafficking and identifying the proceeds resulting from these crimes, with a focus on the good practices of the FIUs participating in the event.
Organizer: Egyptian Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Combating Unit
Co-organizer: UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa
This event explored the connections between corruption and human rights by examining strategies to improve coordination among UN institutions, applying the human rights approach in the fight against corruption and exploring anti-corruption measures to protect human rights.
Organizers: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Amnesty International
Co-organizers: Switzerland, OHCHR, UNODC, Transparency International, UNCAC Coalition
This event focused on approaches taken by parliaments, civil society / intergovernmental / non-profit organizations and the media in holding the executive to account and in addressing corruption. The panel comprised of representatives from the US Congress, GOPAC, OCP, C4-Malaysia, and PCIJ-Philippines.
Organizers: UNODC
Co-organizer: Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption
The event enabled an action-oriented dialogue between international anti-corruption and education stakeholders from different regions on how education can be effectively used as a tool to prevent and counter corruption and enable youth to be torchbearers of a culture of integrity.
Organizers: European Commission, UNODC
Co-organizers: Austria, Kuwait, Libya, Malawi, Malta, Morocco, Slovenia, GRACE initiative, UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa
As a follow-up to the Parliamentary Dialogue on UNCAC held in Doha in March 2023, the Forum explored and advocated for good practices to make CoSP more accessible to parliamentarians as a means to connect the national to the global political processes of UNCAC implementation and review.
Organizer: Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption
Investigative journalism and media reporting are essential sources to raise public awareness and detect corruption and economic crime, but they can face significant challenges. How can journalists and governments, including law enforcement, work better together to expose corruption and bribery?
Organizer: OECD
Co-organizer: UNODC
Safeguarding sport from corruption has become one of the priorities of the international anti-corruption agenda. The event discussed the main risks of corruption in sports and offer effective solutions. Leading experts shared good practices on integrity and compliance in sports.
Organizer: International Anti-Corruption Academy
Co-organizer: Sport Integrity Global Alliance
The event had a strong focus on traits of curbing corruption in Eurasia. The panel focused on the Eurasian Academic Anti-Corruption Network - a collaborative alliance uniting Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, and highlights CSO's as catalysts for transformation.
Organizer: Central Asian Research Institute on Corruption and Money Laundering
Co-organizer: Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre
Representatives of key stakeholders, including heads of anti-corruption networks and international organizations, outlined the main achievements and perspectives for a renewed focus on corruption prevention.
Organizer: National Authority for Probity, Prevention and Fight against Corruption of Morocco
The event discussed the main challenges and opportunities for eliminating systemic weaknesses in corruption-prone malpractices and leveraging financial investigation as a powerful tool, whilst fostering partnerships to combat corruption and its recurrence.
Organizer: UNODC
Launching the “National Study on Drugs and Corruption in the Philippines”, the event explored the nexus between corruption and drug trafficking. Policymakers, researchers and practitioners looked for a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges in combating this serious crime and articulated solutions for change.
Organizers: UNODC, Agora Ciudadanos Cambiando, Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research (Working Group on Integrated Drug Policy & Justice), World Federation against Drugs
Co-organizers: National Police Commission of the Philippines, Incarcerations Nations Network, Instituto RIA
The event highlighted the challenges to civic space in the fight against corruption on the ground and in international fora. It presented recommendations to promote a safe and enabling environment for civil society to participate in anti-corruption efforts, as envisioned by UNCAC.
Organizer: UNCAC Coalition
Co-organizers: United States Department of State, International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
This special event summarized the good practices in Belt and Road integrity building over the past decade and presented the future prospects, while demonstrating the commitment of all BRI partners to upholding integrity. Additionally, an exhibition was organized.
Organizer: China
Experts from EU, US, Serbia (Pištaljka), UNODC, and the Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa discussed good practices for whistle-blower protection, legislative models, investigative agencies, technical assistance, and the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law.
Organizer: Government Accountability Project
Co-organizers: European Union UNCAC Coalition