The availability of technical assistance to States that are parties to the Convention is essential to ensuring that States have the support, guidance and expertise necessary to address gaps in the full and effective implementation of the Convention.
The Convention therefore includes a chapter dedicated to technical assistance and information exchange (chapter VI). The chapter underlines the importance of specific training programmes for the personnel responsible for preventing and combating corruption and invites all States to provide assistance to one another, such as material support or exchange of relevant experience and specialized knowledge. It therefore aims to support States in the implementation of all substantive chapters of the Convention on preventive measures, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation and asset recovery.
Since the adoption of the Convention in 2003, UNODC has been providing tailored technical assistance to States around the world. Technical assistance spans all of the Convention’s substantive areas and comprises a wide range of activities, including the review and revision of legislative and policy frameworks; the development of new institutional frameworks; enhancing coordination among public institutions, including across borders; increased support for criminal justice systems; and activities in the areas of asset recovery, education and the private sector, among others.
More recently, UNODC has established regional anti-corruption hubs as an integral part of its enhanced delivery model. The hubs strengthen UNODC’s field-based anti-corruption infrastructure and capacity to facilitate greater support for anti-corruption reforms based on enhanced partnerships and coordinated assistance with other providers, regional bodies and intergovernmental associations. The hubs also support UNODC’s regional anti-corruption platforms which bring together countries from the same region to identify common challenges and priorities in implementing the Convention and devise strategies and commitments to address these challenges.
Learn more about UNODC’s enhanced delivery model and the role of anti-corruption hubs and platforms in facilitating greater support for the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption.