NDS News


21 October 2010

Mission to Switzerland, 18-20 October 2010
NDS SPA 1.2 production deployment, user training

10 September 2010

Mission to Switzerland, 06-09 September 2010
Installation of NDSS SPA 1.2 on test environment and testing all Use Cases

21 August 2010

Mission to United Kingdom, 17-20 August 2010
NDS update and training of IT operators

23 June 2010

Mission to Finland, 20-23 June 2010
Demonstrate NDS (National Drug Control System) to the Finnish Medicines Agency

05 June 2010

Mission to Iran, 28 May -04 June 2010
Mission to assist MoH in preparation of annual INCB reports.

21 May 2010

Mission to Switzerland, 16-21 May 2010
Installation of NDSS SPA 1.1 on production environment and testing all Use Cases, SPA 1.2 use case discussion

10 May 2010

Mission to United Kingdom, 2-7 May 2010
NDS deployment to UK Home

1 May 2010

Mission to Argentina, 19-23 April 2010
Mission to upgrade/follow up NDS at ANMAT/Argentina

22 April 2010

Mission to Switzerland, 18-21 April 2010
Installation of NDSS SPA 1.1 on test environment and testing all Use Cases

04 March 2010

Mission to Switzerland, 28 February -03 March 2010
Mission to review of testcases for NDS SPA 1.1, reviewing NDS security

23 February 2010

Mission to United Kingdom, 15-26 February 2010
Mission to install NDS at UK Home Office

23 February 2010

Mission to Canada, 1-5 February 2010
Mission to provide follow up/technical support on NDS to the National Competent Authority

23 February 2010

Mission to South Africa, 10-16 January 2010
Mission to provide follow up/technical support on NDS to the National Competent Authority