NDS News


22 December 2006

Mission to Uruguay, 9 December - 21 December 2006
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle The mission also encourage the Ministry of Health in Uruguay to take advantage on the new features of NDS. The Ministry of Health requested also a PEN account in order to work with the Pre-Export notifications with the new portal provided by INCB. It was confirmed that Uruguay is an operational country always trying to participate and share experiences in the enhancement for NDS.

7 December 2006

Mission to Panama, 29 November - 6 December 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to competent authorities. The training went smoothly as all authorities involved committed to take NDS6 as their drug control tool. The participants of the training involved Customs Office, Free trade zone, Police, the Ministry of Health and the Precursors Control Unit. The NDS was more than welcome with the authorities and Panama is looking forward to achieve an operational level in the fist quarter of 2007.

22 November 2006

Mission to Spain, 8 November - 21 November 2006
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle It was also provided hands-on training to the IT department in Spain in order to troubleshoot the NDS6 and the DB in case of any contingency. The users received hands-on training on the NDS6 and its new features, such as reporting facilities, XML features, grid views, excel pivot, etc. The AGEMED it is an important user of NDS and received the new version and its new features trusting that the new version will provide them an enhance tool for controlling their international and national trade.

1 December 2006

Mission to Netherlands, 29 November - 1 December 2006
User training on NDS 6. Application update to the latest release on the Citrix server farm and further import / export template customization.

27 November 2006

Mission to Morocco, 14 November - 23 November 2006
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database in Ministry of Health, Morocco. The necessary Oracle upgrade to a release supporting XML (Oracle took place as well. The users received hands-on training on the NDS6 and its new features, such as, reporting facilities, XML features, grid views, excel pivot, etc. Import / Export reports were customized to their new requirements. Also a demonstration of the PEN system has been given to both responsible Competent Authorities.

1 November 2006

Mission to Chile, 22 October - 1 November 2006
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle It is important to mention that the ISPCH (Ministry of Health Chile) invested in a new server and the Oracle new version 10g needed for this upgrade. It was also provided hands-on training to the IT department in Chile in order to troubleshoot the NDS6 and the DB in case of any contingency. The users received hands-on training on the NDS6 and its new features, such as, reporting facilities, XML features, grid views, excel pivot, etc.

24 October 2006

Mission to Canada, 8 October - 20 October 2006
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to NDS 6. Upgrading the servers to a release supporting XML (Oracle Cooperation with Health Canada's IT department has been excellent helping to ensure a smooth migration without interruption for the users of the NDS system. During the training the Honourable Tony Clement, Canadian Minister of Health and the Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario has been briefly met and informed about the training activity. Canada uses also the PEN ( www.incb.org/pen) Precursor Pre-Export Notification system together with NDS for automatic generation of XML files.

18 September 2006

Mission to Netherlands, 18 September - 22 September 2006
upgrade and migration of both Oracle test and production database to a new server using Oracle ready for all the new NDS 6 functionality. The installation of the NDS 6 application on the Citrix server farm became a bit challenging, but was then accomplished successfully using a manual procedure. Netherlands uses thin client PC's as well as allows for remote access to applications (including NDS) for their staff using Citrix.

11 September 2006

Mission to France, 11 September - 22 September 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to AFSSAPS staff. Fixed problem of NDS 5.1 use on Windows XP. Test NDS 6 database was created on Linux platform and data were migrated from NDS 5.1 for test and training purposes. NDS 5.1 and 6 applications can be installed now using ZENworks solution. AFSSAPS Assistant (external NDS 5.1 module) is being migrated to MyNDS. By the end of year 2006 production use of NDS 6 is expected.

27 August 2006

Mission to Ireland, 20 August - 26 August 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to Irish Medicine Board staff. Two databases training and production were migrated to NDS 6 onto a new server which has been upgraded during the mission to Oracle (the latest Oracle 9 release supporting electronic data exchange via XML).

26 August 2006

Mission to Guatemala, 21 August - 25 August 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to competent authorities. The training went smoothly as all authorities involved committed to take NDS6 as their drug control tool. It is important to mention that the training facilities were provided by the US Embassy and NAS section in Guatemala.

14 August 2006

Mission to Costa Rica, 13 August - 19 August 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to competent authorities. Costa Rica was the first Central American country in use NDS 51; now with the new NDS6 version the authorities involved are able to take advantage if the new features in order to improve their daily drug control activities.

8 August 2006

Mission to United States, 9 August - 15 August 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide administrative training to OAS / CICAD staff. This server acts as a central installation for Central American countries using NDS remotely via the OAS server who is available 24x7 in a secure environment with regular backups and remote management from Vienna, Austria / Mexico.

5 August 2006

Mission to Kyrgyzstan, 5 August - 18 August 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to Drug Control Agency (DCA) staff. New server provided by E29 project was installed on Oracle 10g environment. Two staff members of DCA were trained on NDS 6 use. Last 3 days of mission were spent especially for practical use of NDS 6. Users have printed quarter reports from NDS 6 what confirmed production status. The DCA was visited again on 12 October to provide some consultations to users.

13 July 2006

Mission to Kazakhstan, 13 July - 23 July 2006
Installation of NDS 6 on Oracle 10g environment with special configuration of the database using Unicode support and Oracle 10g on the client side. upgrade to new NDS 6, provision of training to staff. The mission has been successful and XML files were already received for electronic reporting to INCB.

8 July 2006

Mission to Jordan, 8 July - 20 July 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to Ministry of Health staff

26 June 2006

Mission to Egypt, 26 June - 7 July 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to Ministry of Health staff

12 June 2006

Mission to Uzbekistan, 12 June - 23 June 2006
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to Ministry of Health staff. Server provided by E29 project was installed on Oracle 10g environment. Three staff members of Ministry of Health and one staff member of State Commission on Drugs were trained on NDS 6 use. Antivirus software McAfee provided by E29 project was installed on server.

11 June 2006

Mission to Mexico, 12 June - 28 June 2006
Mexico the reference country for NDS in Central America / Latin America was the pioneer in receiving the first version of NDS 6.0 in Spanish. The upgrade of Oracle and the migration to NDS 6 went smoothly. Training has been provided to Mexico Ministry of Health and Customs staff who use NDS, since version 5.1 remotely for endorsing import / export shipments. Automatic updates via Internet have been successfully tested, as well as the new remote support tool GoToAssist for providing support via Internet.

22 April 2006

Starting NDS 6 deployment
First installation of the new system in Switzerland. Mission to Switzerland: 23 April - 05 May 2006, upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to Swissmedic staff. Full success. The upgrade on Oracle and the migration of the databases to the new system went smoothly and at the end of the missions XML files for electronic submission of INCB forms were successfully created and sent to INCB.

13 March 2006

Forthcoming session: 49th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs 13 - 17 March 2006

8 February 2006

NDS expert group meeting in Vienna Austria, 6 - 7 February 2006
Delegates from Canada, France, Ireland, Mexico and Switzerland attend the meeting which demonstrates a prototype of the new NDS 6 version to be released next month. more details.