NDS News


11 November 2003

NDS 5.1. patches in the reference section
NDS 5.1 patches to NDS 5.1.11 addressing known bugs are available in the reference section. more information

10 November 2003

NDS mission in Switzerland
The NDS team visited Switzerland from 25th October - 9th November 2003. The visit provided to assist the Swissmedic in data migration to NDS 5.1 and preparation of various NDS reports.

28 October 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Argentina
The NDS team visited Argentina from 12th October - 25th October 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health (SEDRONAR) in receiving NDS 5.1.11 and providing training in it's usage. <

27 October 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Uruguay
The NDS team visited Uruguay from 6th October - 11th October 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health and Secretariat Nacional de Drogas (SND) in upgrading NDS 5.1 to NDS 5.1.11 and providing refresher training, and assisting in moving Uruguay to production status.

22 October 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Tanzania
The NDS team visited Tanzania from 5th October - 20th October 2003. The visit provided to assist the Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

1 October 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Romania
The NDS team visited Romania from 14h September - 26th September 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

NDS 5.1 installed in India
The NDS team visited India from 15th September - 28th September 2003. The visit provided to assist the Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN) in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

25 August 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Costa Rica
The NDS team visited Costa Rica from 07th August - 19th August 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

7 August 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Mexico
The NDS team visited Mexico from 24th July - 06th August 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health (COFEPRIS) in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

29 July 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Kyrgyzstan
The NDS team visited Kyrgyzstan from 14th July - 26th July 2003. The visit provided to assist the Drug Control Agency and the Ministry of Health in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

18 July 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Egypt
The NDS team visited Egypt from 05th July - 20th July 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

2 July 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Switzerland
The NDS team visited Switzerland from 23rd June - 1st July 2003. The visit provided to assist Swissmedic in installing NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

15 June 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Uzbekistan
The NDS team visited Uzbekistan from 03rd June - 14th June 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

19 May 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Ireland
The NDS team visited Ireland from 04th May - 16th May 2003. The visit provided to assist the Irish Medicines Board and Department of Health and Children in migrating NDS 4.05 to NDS 5.1, providing training in it's usage and customizing Irish Import / Export authorizations.

5 May 2003

Presentation on NDS for the plenary of the 33rd session of CICAD
The Organization of American States - CICAD has been visited by the NDS team and a both a technical demonstration and a presentation was given.

22 April 2003

NDS 5.1 installed in Uruguay
The NDS team visited Uruguay from 02nd April - 17th April 2003. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health in upgrading NDS 4.0 to NDS 5.1 and providing training in it's usage.

10 March 2003

5th National Drug Control System Users' Group Meeting
Ottawa, Canada 10-12 March 2003 the 5th NDS users' group meeting was held. The meeting focused on demonstrating NDS 5.1 and the sustainability of NDS in the future.

3 February 2003

NDS Version 5.0.4 is Available
All the patches specified on release 5.0.4 have been grouped together into one install program. The new installer is coded NDS 5.0.5. You would should remove your client installation of NDS 5.0.X before running this installer.

16 January 2003

NDS Version 5.0 is Available for download

  • NDS 5 program
  • NDS 5 installer / migration utility
  • NDS5 empty database for import (containing Competent Authorities and subs

3 January 2003

NDS Version 5.0 is Available
During the 4th User Group Meeting, held in Vienna in Nov. 2001, several enhancements were requested by the system users. All of the requested enhancements are implemented and available in the new release of the National Drug-Control System (NDS) version 5.0. Further enhancements are expected to be released by end of Feb. 2003 resulting in minor release 5.1.0. The new release has been deployed in Australia and is expected to be in a full production environment on 17 Jan. 2003.