28 December 2007
Mission to India, 13-21 December 2007
the purpose of the mission was to upgrade existing NDS 5.1 to NDS 6 and to migrate NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle 10g XE Universal. The training and migration went smoothly and the staff of Central Bureau of Narcotics is going to use NDS 6 in production from the beginning of the year 2008. Also Import/Export and License templates were redesigned and more than 800 establishments were migrated into NDS database from various Excel sources provided by CBN.
2 December 2007
Mission to Lebanon, 25-30 November 2007
the purpose of the mission was to upgrade the existing NDS 5.1 to NDS 6 and to migrate NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle 10g XE Universal. The training and migration went smoothly and the staff of the Ministry of Health are going to use NDS 6 in production from the beginning of the year 2008. Also the Import/Export and License templates were redesigned.
11 November 2007
Mission to Cyprus, 29th October - 9th November 2007
the purpose of the mission was to install NDS 6 and to provide training in its usage. The training and installation went smoothly and the staff of the Ministry of Health are going to use NDS 6 in production from the beginning of the year 2008. Also Import/Export templates have been created and more than 200 establishments were migrated into NDS database from various Excel sources.
5 October 2007
Mission to Switzerland, 3rd October - 4th October 2007
the purpose of the mission was to demonstrate NDS 6 and its ability of domestic drug control management to the Eidgenössisches Finanzdepartement EFD Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT in context of the upcoming web project domestic data transactions.
20 September 2007
Mission to Turkmenistan 5th-19th September 2007
the purpose of the Turkmenistan mission was to install here NDS 6 system and to provide training on its use. The training and installation went smoothly. NDS server was installed at the Ministry of Health which is responsible for issuing Import-Export authorizations for medicines containing controlled substances. Also three remote connections (using dial-up) to NDS server were installed at the concern "Turkmenchemistry" (responsible for issuing Import-Export authorizations for precursors), at the State Commission on Drug Control (responsible for general licit/illicit drug control in the country) and at the HQ Customs Office to make remotely endorsements. The Ministry of Health and the concern "Turkmenchemistry" are going to register in NDS Import/Export authorizations upon they are requested by local companies. Also new layout for Import/Export authorizations was designed during this mission which meets to recommendations of INCB. It requires about two weeks to approve them and to use in production.
12 August 2007
Mission to Trinidad and Tobago and Grenada 12th-31st August 2007
the purpose of the Trinidad and Tobago mission is twofold. First, install a central NDS server reachable through the Internet which will allow the use of the NDS system for Caribbean countries through the Internet. Second, NDS training on both administrative as substantive areas has been provided to Trinidad and Tobago.
8 July 2007
Mission to Romania, 2-6th July 2007
The existing NDS system in the Ministry of Health responsible for Narcotics and Psychotropics has been migrated/upgraded to the latest version of NDS 6. Also the server has been upgraded to the latest database release. NDS is used in production in Romania.
7 May 2007
6th NDS Usergroup meeting in Mexico, 7 May - 9 May 2007
Details about the 6th NDS UGM.
21 April 2007
Mission to Malaysia, 9-20 April 2007
the purpose of mission to Malaysia was to install here NDS 6 system and to provide training on its use. The training and installation went smoothly. Existing Import/Export templates based on PowerPoint were re-designed and customized for use in NDS. Last two days of mission were devoted to enter the actual import/export authorizations in the NDS production database which confirms that Malaysia has now production status.
6 April 2007
Mission to Indonesia, 2-6 April 2007
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle 10g XE Universal. The training and migration went smoothly and the staff of National Agency for Drug and Food Control has started to use NDS 6 in production. Also Indonesia is one of few countries which uses EMM module entering data from monthly establishments reports.
12 March 2007
CND meeting in Vienna, 12 March - 16 March 2007
27 February 2007
Mission to El Salvador, 18 February - 24 February 2007
upgrade to new NDS 6, provide training to competent authorities. The training went smoothly as all authorities involved committed to take NDS6 as their drug control tool. The CSSP authority is committed to start in production with NDS on 1st March; this authority is also a current operational user of the PEN portal.
23 February 2007
Mission to Kenya, 17 - 22 February 2007
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle 10g XE Universal. The training and migration went smoothly and the staff of Kenyan Pharmacy and Poisons Board has started to use NDS 6 in production.
17 February 2007
Mission to Tanzania, 10-16 February 2007
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle 10g XE Universal. The training and migration went smoothly and the staff of Tanzanian Food and Drug Authority has started to use NDS 6 in production.
29 January 2007
Mission to Tajikistan, 18 January - 26 January 2007
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to a new server using Oracle 10g XE Universal. Representatives of three competent authorities (Drug Control Agency, Drug Control Centre Department of Ministry of Health and Department of Medicine Expertise of Ministry of Health) were involved in training and installation due to different responsibilities in the area of licit drug control. After successful finalization of training, existing data on establishments, licenses and preparations were migrated into production NDS 6 database at the Department of Medicine Expertise of Ministry of Health. The entering of Import/Export authorizations issued in the years 2006-2007 have been started in order to print INCB reports starting from the year 2007.
26 January 2007
Mission to Slovakia, 15 January - 24 January 2007
upgrade to NDS6 and migration of the NDS51 Oracle production database to the new Oracle 10g XE. Representatives of the Ministry of Health were involved in the training and installation. Due to a change of staff retraining became necessary as well as demonstration of the new NDS 6 features. After successful finalization of training, existing data on establishments, licenses and preparations were migrated into production NDS 6 database at the Ministry of Health. The entering of Import/Export authorizations smoothly continued. Also staff began with the preparation of the quarterly reports for INCB.