20 December 2001
NDS 4.05 installed in Ireland
The NDS team has visited Ireland from 9th December - 14th December 2001. The visit provided an installation, migration of masters data, and provision of training for the staff of the Ministry of Health.
6 December 2001
NDS 4.0.5 Installed in Central Asia
The NDS team has visited Tashkent - Uzbekistan, Bishkek - Kyrgyzstan, Dushanbe - Tajikistan from 2nd November - 3rd December 2001. The visit provided Installing the National Database system for the different competent authorities in each country and providing comprehensive training in the use of the system for licit drug control under the umbrella of the precursor control project in Central Asia.
1 October 2001
Fourth NDS User Group Meeting - 1st - 3rd Oct. 2001 - Vienna, Austria
From 1st to 3rd Oct. 2001, more than 50 governments are meeting in Vienna to share their experiences in using NDS and agree on its future.
9 August 2001
FORM A - Bug Fix
Some substances values get rounded in the Milligrams part when printed in form A. A bug fix is available to correct that problem.
2 August 2001
NDS Training in India
The NDS team visited India from 27th July - 9th August 2001. The visit provided an installation, migration of masters data, and provision of training for the staff of the Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN).
30 July 2001
NDS 4.0.5 Installed in Hungary
The NDS team visited Hungary from 9th July - 13th July 2001. The visit provided an installation, migration of masters data, and provision of training for the staff of the Ministry of Health Hungary.
1 June 2001
NDS Installed in Australia
The NDS team has visited Australia from 13th May - 31st May 2001. The visit provided an installation, migration of masters data, and provision of training for the staff of TGA Australia as well as Papua New Guinea.
11 May 2001
NDS Training in Tanzania
The NDS team visited Tanzania from 3rd May - 12th May 2001. The team installed NDS 4.0.5 in a multi-user environment to conduct the training.
30 April 2001
NDS 4.0.5 is Available
A new release of NDS 4.0.5 is available for download. The new release addresses several problems in printing the INCB forms.
26 March 2001
NDS Team Installs NDS 4.0.4 in France
The NDS team visited France from 26th March - 7th April 2001.
14 March 2001
NDS 4.0.4 is Available
The NDS team has prepared a new patch for NDS 4.0.x. The new patch addresses several issues on both the database and application sides.
6 March 2001
NDS Team Presentation For Central Asia in India (CBN)
The NDS team has provided a comprehensive presentation for the central Asian governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. The presentation was provided during the meeting held in Gwalior, India and hosted by the Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN).
26 February 2001
NDS Team Presentation For Narcotics Control Bureau, India
The NDS team has provided a comprehensive presentation for the Narcotics Control Bureau in New Delhi, India. A detailed discussion with the staff of NCB commenced after the presentation on methods for implementing NDS.
26 January 2001
NDS Installed in Lebanon
The NDS team has successfully installed NDS 4.0.3 in Lebanon and gave comprehensive training for the staff of the Lebanese Ministry of Health in using the system.
12 January 2001
NDS Installed in Jordan
The NDS team has successfully installed NDS 4.0.2 in Jordan and gave comprehensive training for the staff of the Jordanian Ministry of Health in using the system.
2 January 2001
NDS Installed in Egypt
The NDS team has successfully installed NDS 4.0.2 in Egypt and gave comprehensive training for the staff of the Egyptian Ministry of Health in using the system.