NDS News


29 November 2013

NDS mission to Switzerland, 24-29 November 2013
System upgrade of NDS and NDSSPA/NDSWEB

12 October 2013

8th NDS' Users Group Meeting, Mexico City 7-9 October 2013

28 September 2013

NDS mission to Switzerland, 11-16 August 2013
System upgrade of NDS to latest release, migration and configuration of NDSWeb and NDSSPA

17 August 2013

NDS mission to Switzerland, 11-16 August 2013
System upgrade of NDS to latest release (INCB updates)

26 June 2013

NDS mission to Brazil, 2-8 June 2013
Mission to provide a Proof of concept of the UNODC/INCB NDSweb and SPA

25 June 2013

UNICRI-INCB training seminar, Ethiopia 18-21 June 2013
Present UNODC/INCB electronic drug control management tools

13 June 2013

NDS6 training to COFEPRIS' custom officials in Mexico, 11-12 June 2013
The NDS focal point for the Americas provided a specialized NDS 6 training to custom officials in order to strength the use of NDS and the control over precursor chemicals in the main ports of Mexico.

28 May 2013

NDS mission to Belgium, 27 May - 07 June 2013
System upgrade of NDS, NDSWEB and NDSSPA to latest release plus deployment of CR enhancements

15 April 2013

NDS mission to Netherlands, 7-14 April 2013
Meeting with Netherlands Ministry of Health staff to discuss the utilization of NDS SPA, training of Health staff, system upgrade of NDS

25 March 2013

INCB and UNODC present International Import Export System (I2ES)
INCB organized a side event during the 56 th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), and presented together with UNODC IT service the International Import Export System (I2ES).

01 February 2013

NDS mission to South Africa, 21-30 January 2013
Meeting with South Africa Department of Health expert staff to discuss the utilization of NDS SPA, training of Health staff, system upgrade of NDS