30 September 2005
NDS 5.1 Mission to provide NDS assistant to the Ministry of Health. Morocco.
The NDS team visited Morocco from 17 September to 23 September. The visit provided to assist the competent authority in Morocco in reinstalling their system plus providing hard disk backup to avoid in future problems with the server and NDS.
23 August 2005
NDS 5.1 Mission to provide NDS follow up and training to the Drug Control Commission. Kazakhstan.
The NDS team visited Kazakhstan from 11 August to 18 August. The target goal of this one week mission was in providing training to the new staff members. Likewise, license unit was enhanced by new professional staff members who didn't participate on training provided in April-May 2005.
1 August 2005
NDS 5.1 Mission to provide NDS training using the OAS Terminal Server. San José, Costa Rica.
The NDS team visited Costa Rica from 16th July to 30th July 2005. The visit provided to assist the competent authorities in Costa Rica on the implementation of the NDS OAS project and to provide training using NDS on the OAS Terminal Server.
18 July 2005
NDS 5.1 Mission to provide NDS training using the OAS Terminal Server. Panama City, Panama.
The NDS team visited Panama from 10th July to 16th July 2005. The visit provided to assist the competent authorities in Panama on the implementation of the NDS OAS project and to provide training using NDS on the OAS Terminal Server.
NDS 5.1 Mission to install and provide training in its use. Indonesia
The NDS team visited Indonesia from 23th July - 12nd July 2005. The visit provided to assist the National Agency of Drug and Food on the implementation of NDS and training on its use.
NDS 5.1 Mission to assist anti-narcotic general administration of Libya. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
The NDS team visited Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 05th July - 14th July 2005. The visit provided to assist anti-narcotic general administration of Libya in establishing a law enforcement drug control system under the umbrella of project LIB F71.
13 June 2005
NDS 5.1 support mission in South Africa
The NDS team visited South Africa from 31st May - 10th June 2005. The visit provided to support and review the Ministry of health in preparing quarterly as well as annual statistics to INCB; to ensure we attain full production, expand their use of the NDS to train new staff on domestic drug control management module.
NDS 5.1 support mission in Switzerland
The NDS team visited Switzerland from 21st May - 04th June 2005. The visit provided to assist Swissmedic in migration of annual statistic data into NDS and preparation of annual NDS reports.
NDS 5.1 Mission to provide NDS training using the OAS Terminal Server. Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
The NDS team visited Honduras from 04th June to 11st June 2005. The visit provided to assist the competent authorities in Honduras on the implementation of the NDS OAS project and to provide training using NDS on the OAS Terminal Server.
04 June 2005
NDS 5.1 Mission to provide NDS training using the OAS Terminal Server. San Salvador, El Salvador.
The NDS team visited El Salvador from 29th May to 04th June 2005. The visit provided to assist the competent authorities in El Salvador on the implementation of the NDS OAS project and to provide training using NDS on the OAS Terminal Server.
25 May 2005
NDS 5.1 support mission in Jordan
The NDS team visited Jordan from 30th April to 10th May 2005. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health on additional training, install the system on 2 new clients and fix some problems that they have been experiencing with the server.
NDS 5.1 support mission in Egypt
The NDS team visited Egypt from 17th April to 29th April 2005. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health in upgrading their NDS installation to 5.1 and provide technical training to their DBA on support functions and methodology.
24 May 2005
The NDS team visited Bogota, Colombia from 15th to 21st May 2005
The visit provided a demonstration of NDS and it's features to various Colombian authorities. NDS presentation event May 18th. For this event all the Drug Control Authorities of the Government of Colombia were invited related to the objective of the NDS, each one of them made the presentation of their activities related to drug control. Likewise, it took shelter impressions, expectations, doubts, also were made a NDS demonstrations in real time of the operation of the system. For more information; Spanish version only.
2 May 2005
NDS 5.1 Mission to provide NDS training using the OAS Terminal Server. Guatemala City, Guatemala.
The NDS team visited Guatemala from 24th April to 30th April 2005. The visit provided to assist the competent authorities in Guatemala on the implementation of the NDS OAS project and to provide training using NDS on the OAS Terminal Server.
29 March 2005
NDS 5.1 Mission to install and provide training in its use. Lima, Peru
The NDS team visited Peru from 13th March - 26th March 2005. The visit provided to assist DIGEMID (Ministry of Health, Peru) on the implementation of NDS and training on its use.
8 March 2005
NDS 5.1 Implement NDS server for Central America at OAS/CICAD, United States of America
The NDS team visited USA from 28th February - 06th March 2005. The visit provided to assist the OAS/CICAD on the implementation of the NDS server for Central America.
19 February 2005
NDS 5.1 follow up mission in Argentina
The NDS team visited Argentina from 19th February - 26th February 2005. The visit provided to ensure NDS production status and to provide support to the ANMAT( Ministry of Health, Argentina).
11 January 2005
NDS support mission in Netherlands
The NDS team visited Netherlands from 11th January - 13th January 2005. The visit provided to assist the Ministry of Health with several problems, which caused difficulties in attaining production status. Problems where identified and corrected. Furthermore, an update of the template customization has been provided based on new requests.
09 January 2005
NDS review mission in Romania
The NDS team has performed a review and support mission in Bucharest, Romania 9-16 Jan. 2005. Some of the major observations is the success of the Ministry of Interior in implementing NDS in all the Romanian provinces and the establishment of a central network that connects all regional offices with the head office in Bucharest. The network is utilized to control precursor chemicals. To build on this success, the National Antidrug Agency (ANA) will connect Customs, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Interior in a national network to facilitate on-line sharing of data on licit drug control on narcotics, psychotropics and precursor chemicals. It is expected that this national network will be online by mid 2005.