Published in July 2019
How to use this Guide
This Guide is an accompaniment to the video on human trafficking. The purpose of this two-part toolkit is to critically engage secondary-level students (aged 13 to 18) in understanding the meaning and impact of human trafficking.
Human trafficking is a crime with deep roots. Many factors increase vulnerability to human trafficking, including poverty, discrimination, gender inequality, corruption and conflict. Therefore, education has an important role to play in combating the practice, including in raising awareness among students of human trafficking and the vulnerabilities and risks linked to it.
The Guide is designed to help teachers of secondary-level students expand on the content of the video; it recommends good practices and educational strategies that can be used in conjunction with the video. The Guide uses a victim-centred approach to the activities that accompany the video. The focus is on how to protect victims and best serve their needs.
The practices and the strategies recommended in the Guide are focused on the following messages about human trafficking. Teachers are urged to frame their lessons around these messages and share them with their students.
- Human trafficking may be closer to us than we think. For example, some of the goods that we consume may have been produced by victims of trafficking in persons.
- Smuggled migrants have human rights that must be respected, including the right to be treated with dignity and the right to personal safety
- It is important to raise awareness of human trafficking and to address the root causes of the vulnerabilities linked to the practice, such as poverty, conflict, gender inequality, sexual and gender-based violence, and discrimination
What you will find in the Guide
The Guide is comprised of four modules:
- Module 1 presents instructions for developing a rationale for the use of the video in the classroom. It also includes activities that teachers can undertake using the video.
- Module 2 presents ideas for previewing strategies that enable students to be more effective viewers of the video. It includes a lesson plan that teachers can apply to the previewing process.
- Module 3 focuses on encouraging the students to engage critically with the video content and includes strategies to enhance the viewing experience.
- Module 4 focuses on the post-viewing stage of the process. It includes a lesson plan for a debriefing session and a discussion guide.
In addition, the Guide contains the following resources to support the implementation of the modules:
- A discussion guide
- A glossary
- A don't be a victim checklist
- A staying safe information sheet
- A staying safe online information sheet
- An indicators of human trafficking information sheet
- A de-escalation strategies information sheet
- A sample human trafficking tree diagram
- A key elements of human trafficking factsheet
- A links to the Sustainable Development Goals information sheet
- A human trafficking country study exercise sheet
- A sample plot diagram
- An alternative beginning template
- An alternative ending template
- A human trafficking true or false question sheet
- A checklist for using the video in the classroom
About this Guide
This Guide has been developed under the auspices of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Education for Justice (E4J) initiative that promotes respect for the rule of law through education.
The Guide is informed by the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, which was adopted by the General Assembly, in its resolution 55/25, on 15 November 2000.
The Guide uses the aims and infrastructure of the Global Citizenship Education (GCED) initiative, which place young people at the centre of these preventive practices, as its framework. GCED aims to instil in learners the values, attitudes and behaviours that support responsible global citizenship: creativity, innovation and commitment to peace, human rights and sustainable development.
Tackling human trafficking is vital to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goals 5, 8 and 16, whose primary focus is gender equality; decent work and economic growth; and peace, justice and strong institutions.
Module 1 - Developing a rationale for using the human trafficking video
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