This module is a resource for lecturers  




Over the last two decades, a new field of research has sought to expand the discourse on corruption beyond the adverse effects on the rule of law, security and governance, and access to services and opportunities. One of these new focus areas is gender and corruption. This Module explores three main themes within the current field of gender and corruption: (1) the influence of gender in the occurrence of corrupt acts; (2) the gendered impacts of corruption; and (3) the relationship between gender mainstreaming and corruption mitigation in theory and practice. The Module draws on interactive class activities and a real-life case study as a means to apply concepts of gender in practice. Students are encouraged to critically analyse theories about corruption and gender and to identify processes of socialization and gendered opportunity structures, rather than merely to focus on innate sex differences. This perspective provides a backdrop to discuss institutional initiatives to address both corruption and gender inequalities, while also acknowledging that the relationships between gender, culture, context and corruption are complex. This Module is informed by the discussion on the gender dimensions of ethics in Module 9 of the E4J University Module Series on Integrity and Ethics.


Learning outcomes

  • Distinguish between sex and gender and recognize the benefits and shortcomings of sex-disaggregated data with respect to understanding gender and corruption
  • Understand the theories that support or critique the notion that women are, on average, less corruptible than men
  • Analyse the impact that gender might have on corruption in different contexts
  • Evaluate the ways in which corruption can maintain and exacerbate gender inequalities
  • Create ways of incorporating gender mainstreaming into programmes to fight corruption
Next: Key issues
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