Published in May 2019
This module is a resource for lecturers
Core reading
This section provides a list of (mostly) open access materials that the lecturer could ask the students to read before taking a class based on this Module.
Materials with this icon can be found in the E4J Library of Resources.
- Brown, G (2011).
Women and Children Last: The Prosecution of Sex Traffickers as Sex Offenders and The Need for A Sex Trafficker Registry,
Boston College Third World Law Journal,vol. 31, pp. 1-40.
- Chacon, Jennifer M. (2010).
Tensions and Trade-Offs: Protecting Trafficking Victims in The Era of Immigration Enforcement
University of Pennsylvania Law Review, vol. 158, pp. 1609-1653.
- Farrell, Amy, and Rebecca Pfeffer (2014).
Policing Human Trafficking: Cultural Blinders and Organizational Barriers,
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 653, pp.46-64.
- Feller, Leonid (2009-2010). The Jurisdictional Entrapment Defence: An Analytic Framework for Claims of Manufactured Jurisdiction in Child Exploitation Prosecutions, Kentucky Law Journal, vol. 98, pp.103-129.
- Gallagher, Anne T. (2010).
The International Law of Human Trafficking . Cambridge University Press (especially chapter 7).
- GLO.ACT (2017). Hear their voices. Act to protect. Testimonies by victims of human trafficking from around the world 2015-2019 . Vienna: UNODC.
- Human Rights First (2015).
How to Disrupt the Business of Human Trafficking - Blueprint for the Administration.
- ILO (2014).
Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour . Geneva: ILO.
- ILO, Walk Free Foundation, and International Organization for Migration (2017).
Global Estimates of Modern Slavery. Geneva: ILO.
- Mattar, Mohamed Y. (2011).
Interpreting Judicial Interpretations of The Criminal Statutes of The Trafficking Victims Protection Act: Ten Years Later,
American University Journal of Gender Social Policy, vol. 19, pp. 1247-1304.
- Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Police (2006).
Norwegian Government's Plan of Action to Combat Human Trafficking, (2006-2009).
- OHCHR (2002).
Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights and Human Trafficking.
- OSCE (2014).
How to prevent human trafficking for domestic servitude in diplomatic households and protect private domestic workers. Vienna: OSCE.
- The Bali Process (2015).
Policy Guide on Protecting Victims of Trafficking: An introductory guide for policy makers and practitioners. Bangkok: The Bali Process.
- The United Nations Convention on Transnational Organized Crime and its Supplementing Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, 2000.
- The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, 2005
- UN General Assembly (1985). Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power.
- UNODC (2006). Compendium of UN Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC (2008).
Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons. Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC (2009).
Model Law against Trafficking in Persons. Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC and UN.GIFT (2009).
Anti-human Trafficking Manual for Criminal Justice Practitioners. Vienna: UNODC.
- UNODC (2013). UN Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems. New York: UN.
- UNODC (2014a). Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Vienna: UNODC.
- UNODC (2016).
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Vienna: UNODC.
- UNODC (2018).
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Vienna: UNODC.
- UNODC (2017). Evidential Issues in Trafficking in Persons Cases - Case Digest. Vienna: UNODC.
- US Department of State (2018). Trafficking in Persons Report.
Advanced reading
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