This module is a resource for lecturers
This section contains material that is meant to support lecturers and provide ideas for interactive discussions and case-based analysis of the topic under consideration.
Exercise # 1 - Territorial sovereignty and cybercrime
In what ways can cybercrime interfere with territorial sovereignty?
Ask your students to search for a cybercrime case that adversely impacted a state's territorial sovereignty. Have them describe what happened in the case and why they believe that the state's territorial sovereignty was violated using evidence-based arguments (i.e., arguments supported by literature and research) to support their points.
Exercise # 2 - International organizations and international cooperation
INTERPOL and UNODC are two organizations that support international cooperation in criminal investigations of cybercrime. However, there are many more.
Assign your students to conduct online research and identify a national, regional, or international organization (not mentioned in this Module) that provides some form of cybercrime assistance to countries.
Discussion questions
- What services does the organization offer? (e.g., training, investigation, communication)
- What countries does the organization work with?
Exercise # 3 -Data access and legal orders
Ask your students to identify national laws covering data access. Students should prepare to answer the following questions in class:
- What law in your country governs access to retained and/or preserved data?
- Who is authorized to access this data? Under what circumstances?
- Is a legal order required to access content data? If so, which one?
- Is a legal order required to access metadata? If so, which one?
Possible class structure
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