EU – Pakistan: Achieving Peace and Resilience – Empowering youth and fostering collaboration across sectors in Pakistan

30 August 2024, Islamabad - The "Workshop on Strengthening Youth in Extremism Prevention," organized under the NACTA Youth Empowerment Network, began in Islamabad with the active collaboration of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the financial support of the European Union (EU). This crucial initiative brought together representatives from 30 civil society organizations (CSOs), think tanks, academia, and international experts, all committed to preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) across Pakistan.

Recognizing that the youth of the country are the most effective force in peace and counter-violence campaigns, this workshop was designed to engage them actively in the fight against extremism. The event's primary objectives included presenting the Terms of Reference (TORs) of the Youth Network, updating the existing guidebook on sports-oriented solutions to violent extremism, and strengthening the Youth Network's efforts through collaborative activities involving CSOs, academia, and think tanks.

The opening ceremony set the stage with key speakers emphasizing the critical role of youth in fostering a peaceful and resilient society. EU Representative from Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI), Regional Team – Asia/Pacific Ms. Francesca Arato highlighted the importance of engaging youth in P/CVE initiatives, underscoring the EU's strong commitment to supporting such efforts. She emphasized that the energy, creativity, and determination of young people are vital in the fight against violent extremism. Ms. Arato reaffirmed the EU's dedication to empowering youth to take on leadership roles in promoting tolerance and peace.

Syed Arslan, Advisor at UNODC, stressed the importance of amplifying the voices of youth in P/CVE efforts, noting that young people are not just beneficiaries but active contributors and leaders in the movement against violent extremism. He further added that the youth are our partners in peacebuilding. Their perspectives, ideas, and leadership are crucial in shaping a future free from the threat of extremism.

Mr. Muhammad Tahir Rai, National Coordinator of NACTA, elaborated on the significance of grassroots-level prevention in countering violent extremism. He highlighted that early intervention and community engagement are key to preventing the spread of extremist ideologies. Mr. Rai expressed appreciation for the strong collaboration between NACTA, EU and UNODC, which has been instrumental in enhancing Pakistan's capacity to address the challenges of violent extremism. He added that this strong partnership has been vital in driving forward our P/CVE agenda with the gratitude for the financial support provided by the EU, which has made this workshop possible.

Throughout the workshop, participants engaged in dynamic discussions and activities aimed at reinforcing the Youth Empowerment Network’s initiatives in preventing and countering violent extremism. A significant part of the workshop involved updating the guidebook on countering violent extremism through sports, ensuring that it reflects the local context of Pakistan. The process was collaborative, with sections of the guidebook being divided among participants to draft and peer-review.

PVE/CVE specialist from RadarAdvies (Netherlands), who previously served as a senior advisor at the Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN), and the International Director of the Violence Prevention Network (Germany) were the key expert speakers at the workshop. They shared success stories and best practices from EU countries, offering valuable insights on how to adapt P/CVE strategies to Pakistan’s unique context.

Dr Christian Raitz von Frentz, First Secretary at the EU Delegation to Pakistan and programme manager for counter-terrorism, stated that P/CVE forms an important new component in the EU cooperation programme with NACTA. With a budget of EUR 6.0 million financed by the EU and technical support from UNODC, the project “Countering and Preventing Terrorism in Pakistan” builds advanced technical capacities in the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of terrorist crimes, reforms and integrates victim support services and finances over 30 CSO micro-projects on P/CVE.

On the final day, success stories from various CSOs and educational institutions were showcased, offering practical insights and contributing to the effective implementation of P/CVE strategies. The inclusion of organizations such as Health and Nutrition Development Society (HANDS), City University, the Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP), Rizq Foundation and the Noor Project highlighted the workshop's commitment to leveraging local expertise and fostering collaboration across different regions and sectors.

The workshop concluded with a focus on creating synergies between the government and youth networks, led by a representative from the Higher Education Commission (HEC). This session emphasized the importance of sustaining the momentum gained during the workshop and continuing collaborative efforts to empower youth in the fight against violent extremism.

The "Workshop on Strengthening Youth in Extremism Prevention" represents a significant milestone in Pakistan's ongoing efforts to build a peaceful and resilient society. By empowering youth and fostering collaboration across sectors, this initiative is set to make a lasting impact in the fight against violent extremism in Pakistan.


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