Country Programme Pakistan 2022 - 25

Country Programme Pakistan 2022-25

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Country Office in Pakistan (COPAK) has developed the third phase of its country programme, building on the progress and the contributions made and lessons learned from phases I (2010-2016) and II (2016-2019 - extended until 2021 due to COVID-19). It is an integrated country programme approach that builds on the One UN ethos, enjoys the full support of the Government of Pakistan (GoP) and the civil society, and will contribute to progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also localizes the UNODC Global Strategy (2021-2025) by implementing four Sub-Programmes (SPs), that is SP-1 ‘Transnational Organized Crime and Border Management’; SP-2 ‘Criminal Justice System and Legal Reforms’; SP-3 ‘Drug Demand Reduction and HIV/AIDS’; and SP-4 ‘Preventing and Countering Terrorism’. These basic pillars of COPAK’s capacity development support to the Government of Pakistan crosscut with UNODC’s global initiatives such as eLearning, UNODC’s Global Maritime Programme and the Container Control Programme.

Our Strategic Values

UNODC has had a presence in Pakistan for more than three decades.

Since its inception, UNODC has aimed to contribute to “A safer community, free from threats posed by organized crime and drug use and confident in the criminal justice system to provide access to justice”.

This sustained presence in the country has enabled us to facilitate a holistic approach to country's drug and crime challenges, and a step forward in harmonization with regional and global UNODC initiatives. For these reasons, our new Country Programme is founded on the following values:

Our Strategic Values

Thematic Areas

Transnational Organized Crime and Border Management

Transnational Organized Crime and Border Management

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Criminal Justice System and Legal Reforms

Criminal Justice System and Legal Reforms

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Drug Demand Reduction and HIV/AIDS

Drug Demand Reduction and HIV/AIDS

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Preventing and Countering Terrorism

Preventing and Countering Terrorism

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Our Story
Our Story!
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Gender Equality
Gender Equality
Human Rights
Human Rights
Disability Inclusion
Disability Inclusion