Transnational Organized Crime and Border Management

Transnational Organized Crime and Border Management

Support multiple law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to enhance their integrated border management (IBM) capacity to prevent, interdict, investigate, and prosecute drug trafficking, smuggling of humans and contraband items through the land, air, and maritime borders and associated cybercrime, in cooperation with criminal justice institutions and civil society; and to protect victims of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants (TIP & SOM) more effectively.

Major Threats


Our Solutions

  • Soft/hard assistance to better secure land and maritime borders.
  • Capacity building of multiple LEAs to enhance prevention, investigation, and interdiction of contraband products,  cyber-crime, and trafficked humans.
  • Enhance cooperation between LEAs, criminal justice institutions, and civil society, to effectively prosecute perpetrators and protect victims of trafficking.

Major Outcomes

  • Effective legal framework to combat transnational organized crime;
  • Improved investigation and prosecution of criminal cases, and assistance to the victims of trafficking and smuggling of migrants;
  • Better responses to cybercrime;
  • Greater and more timely analysis and monitoring of trends.
Our Story
Our Story!
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Gender Equality
Gender Equality
Human Rights
Human Rights
Disability Inclusion
Disability Inclusion