CCP and other support programmes for Pakistan
To promptly respond to the multiple, multifaceted drugs and crime challenges that negatively impact the world, UNODC implements dozens of Global Programmes, supporting Member States to prevent and counter these challenges under a well-coordinated global effort and serves as a repository of subject matter expertise.
Repository of Expertise in Pakistan
- Global Container Control Programme (CCP) (Website)
- Global Action to Address Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants (GLO.ACT Asia & the Middle East) (Website); SPI
- Global Maritime Crime Programme on Improved National Response against Drugs and Contraband Trafficking in the Maritime Domain (Website); SPI
- Global Integrity Education Project; SPII
- Global Programme against Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML, TPB and COPAK); SPII
- UTC -Training of Drug Treatment Professionals in Pakistan (GLOK32); SPIII
- UPC-Training of Prevention Professionals in Pakistan (GLOK01); SPIII
- Pilot on Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Rural Settings in Pakistan (GLOK32); SPIII
- Evaluation Rural Drug Treatment (GLOK32); SPIII
- National Survey on Prevalence and Emerging Trends of Drug Use in Pakistan 2017 (GLOK32); SPIII
- Improving the Government of Pakistan's capacity to ensure standardized treatment and prevention of drug use disorders (GLOK32). SPIII