Published in March 2019
This module is a resource for lecturers
Core reading
This section provides a list of (mostly) open access materials that the lecturer could ask the students to read before taking a class based on this Module.
Materials with this icon can be found in the E4J Library of Resources.
- Allain, Jean (2014). No Effective Trafficking Definition Exists: Domestic Implementation of the Palermo Protocol. Albany Government Law Review, vol. 7, pp.111-142.
- Asian Inspection White Paper (2015).
Will Consumer Awareness Put an End to Modern Slavery?
- Balch, Alex (2012
Regulation and Enforcement to Tackle Forced Labour in the UK: A Systematic Response? Liverpool: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Bhattacharjee, R. B. (2015). Being Human: Social change can end human trafficking. The Edge Markets, 22 August.
- Council of Europe (2005) . Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
- Gallagher, Anne T. (2010).
The International Law of Human Trafficking . Cambridge University Press. (especially chapter 8).
- Goodman, Mickey (2011). More Businesses, Consumers Work to Stem Human Trafficking. Huffington Post, 25 May
- Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (2014).
Trafficking in Persons by Addressing Demand. Vienna: UNODC
- Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (2016).
Issue Paper No. 4: Pivoting toward the Evidence: Building effective counter-trafficking responses using accumulated knowledge and a shared approach to monitoring, evaluation and learning . Vienna: UNODC.
- Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (2017).
Harnessing accumulated knowledge to respond to trafficking in persons: A toolkit for guidance in designing and evaluating counter-trafficking programmes . Vienna: UNODC.
- Dottridge, Mike (2007).
A Handbook on planning projects to prevent child trafficking . Lausanne: International Federation Terre des Hommes
- IOM (2015).
Addressing Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Times of Crisis . Geneva: IOM.
- Jones, Samuel V. (2012).
Human Trafficking Victim Identification: Should Consent Matter?,
Indiana Law Review, vol. 45, pp. 483-511
- Mattar, Mohamed Y. (2013).
Article 43 of the Arab Charter on Human Rights: Reconciling National, Regional and International Standards.
Harvard Human Rights Journal, vol. 26, pp. 91-147.
- Mattar, Mohamed Y. (2006). Incorporating the Five Basic Elements of a Model Anti- Trafficking in Persons Legislation in Domestic Laws: From the United Nations Protocol to the European Convention. Tulane
- Journal of International and Comparative Law, vol. 14, pp. 357-422.
- Plant, Roger (2009).
Trafficking for Labour Exploitation: challenges for criminal Law Enforcement. Cambridge: ILO
- Pratt, Laura (2012).
Hidden in Plain Sight: A General Overview of the Human Trafficking Issue,
Texas Bar Journal, vol. 75, pp. 762
- Smit, Vanessa (2004). Safe Migration: a Role in Curtailing Human Trafficking? A Theoretical Discussion and a Case Study of Human Trafficking from Nepal to India. Amsterdam: Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam
- The Protection Project (2006).
Comprehensive Legal Approaches to Combating Trafficking in Persons: An International and Comparative Perspective . Washington DC: John Hopkins University.
- The Protection Project (2013).
Understanding Trafficking in Persons in the MENA Region . Washington DC: John Hopkins University.
- United Nations (2000). Convention on Transnational Organized crime and its Supplementing Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air.
- UNODC (2008).
Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons . Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC (2009).
Model Law against Trafficking in Persons . Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC (2011).
The Role of Corruption in Trafficking in Persons . Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC (2016).
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons . Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC (2018).
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons . Vienna: UNODC
- UNODC (2018). Countering Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations . Vienna: UNODC
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