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Publications and online portals
- Acharyulum, G.V.R.K. (2011), Information Management in a Health Care System: Knowledge Management Perspective. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 2(6), 534-537.
- Biros, David P., Mark Weiser and John Witfield. (2007).
Managing digital forensic knowledge an applied approach.
Proceedings of the 5th Australian Digital Forensics Conference. Edith Cowan University, Perth Western Australia.
- Brown, John Seely and Paul Duguid. (1998).
Organizing Knowledge.
California Management Review, Vol. 40(3), 90-111.
- Chang, Weiping and Peifang Chung. (2014).
Knowledge Management in Cybercrime Investigation - A Case Study of Identifying Cybercrime Investigation Knowledge in Taiwan . Pacific-Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI 2014: Intelligence and Security Informatics), pp. 8-17.
- Chow, Peter. (2012).
Surfing the Web Anonymously
- The Good and Evil of the Anonymizer. SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room.
- Citizen Lab (n.d.). Research .
- Cybercrime Centres of Excellence Network for Training, Research and Education. (n.d.). 2Centre.
- Dean, Geoff, Cathrine Filstad, and Petter Gottschalk. (2006).
Knowledge Sharing in Criminal Investigations: An Empirical Study of Norwegian Police as Value Shop.
Criminal Justice Studies, Vol. 19(4), 423-437.
- Dicke, Michael S. and Alexis I. Caloza. (2018).
Yahoo's $35M SEC Settlement: Takeaways from the First Enforcement Action for Failure to Disclose a Data Breach . Fenwick and West LLP, 3 May 2018.
- Dixon, Nancy M. (2000). Common knowledge. How companies thrive by sharing what they know. Harvard Business School Press.
- Doan, Quang, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux, and Michel Grundstein. (2011).
A reference model for knowledge retention within small and medium size enterprises . KMIS, 306-311.
- Dredge, Stuart. (2013). What is Tor? A beginner's guide to the privacy tool. The Guardian, 5 November 2013.
- FBI. (n.d.). Cyber Crime.
- FBI. (n.d.). National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force.
- Europol. (2018c). Darknet Euro Counterfeiter Arrested in Poland .
- Europol. (n.d.). About Europol.
- Europol. (2018b). Crime on the Dark Web: Law Enforcement Coordination is the Only Cure .
- Europol. (2018). 241 Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Safeguarded Thanks to Global Law Enforcement Efforts. Press Release, 26 October 2018.
- Finklea, Kristin. (2017).
Dark Web . Congressional Research Service.
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2017a).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: Kyrgyz Republic .
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2017b).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: Republic of Cyprus .
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2017c).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: Republic of Iceland.
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2017d).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: Republic of Lithuania.
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2016a).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: Republic of Madagascar.
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2016b).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: Republic of Senegal.
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2016c).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: United Kingdom.
- Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre. (2016d).
Cybersecurity Capacity Review: Republic of Sierra Leone.
- Gottschalk, Peter. (2007).
Information systems in police knowledge management .
Electronic Government, Vol. 4(2), 191-203.
- Harkin, Diarmaid, Chad Whelan and Lennon Chang (2018).
The challenges facing specialist police cyber-crime units: an empirical analysis .
Police Practice and Research, Vol. 19(6), 519-536.
- Hauck, Roslin V. and Hsinchun Chen. (1999).
COPLINK: A case of intelligent analysis and knowledge management .
Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Hinduja, Sameer. (2007).
Computer Crime Investigations in the United States: Leveraging Knowledge from the Past to Address the Future .
International Journal of Cyber Criminology, Vol. 1(1), 1-26.
- Hunton, Paul. (2012).
Managing the technical resource capability of cybercrime investigation: a UK law enforcement perspective .
Public Money & Management, Vol. 32(3), 225-232.
- ICANN. (n.d.). About WHOIS.
- Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España. (n.d.). The Joint Cyber-Defence Command organized with the collaboration of Isdefe. The Cyber-Defence Conference 2016.
- INTERPOL. (n.d.). Our cyber operations.
- INTERPOL. (n.d.). International organization partners.
- Japan Cybercrime Control Center. (JC3). (2014). Establishment of "Japan Cybercrime Control Center", a New Organization for Fighting Cybercrime .
- Kallender, Paul and Christopher W. Hughes. (2017).
Japan's Emerging Trajectory as a 'Cyber Power': From Securitization to Militarization of Cyberspace .
Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 40(1-2), 118-145.
- Kremer, Jens. (2014).
Policing cybercrime or militarizing cybersecurity? Security mindsets and the regulation of threats from cyberspace .
Information & Communications Technology Law, Vol. 23(3), 220-237.
- Leppänen, Anna and Kankaanranta, Terhi. (2017).
Cybercrime investigation in Finland .
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, Vol. 18(2), 157-175.
- Lin, Herbert. (2017).
Attribution of Malicious Cyber Incidents . Hoover Institution, Aegis Paper Series No. 1607.
- Maras, Marie-Helen. (2014).
Computer Forensics: Cybercriminals, Laws and Evidence , second edition. Jones and Bartlett.
- Maras, Marie-Helen. (2014).
Inside Darknet: The Takedown of Silk Road .
Criminal Justice Matters, Vol. 98(1), 22-23.
- Maras, Marie-Helen. (2016).
Cybercriminology . Oxford University Press.
- Mayeda, G. (2015).
Privacy in the age of the internet: Lawful access provisions and access to ISP and OSP subscriber information .
The Alberta Law Review
53(3), 709-746
- McGuire, Mike and Samantha Dowling. (2013). Chapter 4: Improving the cyber crime evidence base. Cyber crime: A review of the evidence. Research Report 75.
- Morgan, Anthony, Christopher Dowling, Rick Brown, Monique Mann, Isabella Voce, and Marc Smith. (2016).
Evaluation of the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network
. Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Government.
- National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance. (n.d.). About us.
- National Cyber Security Centre (2018). Ghana' National Cybercrime Awareness Programme
- National Cyber Security Centre (2018). Ghana' National Cyber Security Awareness Week 2017 (NCSAW 2017) Report.
- National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies. (n.d.). NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework .
- Nhan, Johnny, Laura Huey, and Ryan Broll. (2015).
Digilantism: An Analysis of Crowdsourcing and the Boston Marathon Bombings . British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 57, 341-361.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. (2016). NATO Recognises Cyberspace as a 'Domain of Operations' at Warsaw Summit .
- PBS. (2018). The FBI's cybersecurity brain drain has long-term implications . 4 August 2018.
- Pihelgas, Mauno. (2013). Back-tracing and Anonymity in Cyberspace. In Katharina Ziolkowski (ed.). Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace International Law, International Relations and Diplomacy (pp. 31-60). NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.
- Shore, M., Du, Y., & Zeadally, S. (2011).
A Public‐Private Partnership Model for National Cybersecurity .
Policy & Internet,
3(2), 1-23.
- Smeets, Max. (2018).
Integrating offensive cyber capabilities: meaning dilemmas, and assessment .
Defence Studies, Vol. 18(4), 395-410.
- Suciu, Peter. (2015). Cyber security's ever-growing brain drain. Fortune, 9 September 2015.
- Tcherni, Maria, Andrew Davies, Giza Lopes, and Alan Lizotte. (2016).
The Dark Figure of Online Property Crime: Is Cyberspace Hiding a Crime Wave?
Justice Quarterly, Vol. 33(5), 890-911.
- Tropina, Tatiana. (2009).
Cyber-policing: The role of the police in fighting cybercrime .
European Police Science and Research Bulletin, Special Conference Issue No. 2.
- UNODC. (2013).
Draft Comprehensive Study on Cybercrime .
- UNODC. (n.d.). SHERLOC.
- UNODC. (n.d.). Cybercrime Repository.
- United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism. (2018). The Protection Of Critical Infrastructures Against Terrorist Attacks: Compendium Of Good Practices.
- US National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (n.d.). Work Roles: Cyber Crime Investigator.
- US Secret Service. (n.d.). Investigation.
- US Securities and Exchange Commission. (2018). Altaba, Formerly Known as Yahoo!, Charged With Failing to Disclose Massive Cybersecurity Breach; Agrees To Pay $35 Million. Press Release 2018-71.
- Wall, David S. (2007).
Policing Cybercrimes: Situating the Public Police in Networks of Security within Cyberspace . Police Practice and Research, Vol. 8(2), 183-205.
- United States of America. USA PATRIOT Act .
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