This module is a resource for lecturers
This section contains material that is meant to support lecturers and provide ideas for interactive discussions and case-based analysis of the topic under consideration.
Exercise # 1: Legal definitions of computer, data and network
Have the students look up how a computer system, computer data, service provider and traffic data are defined in the local legislation. Answer the question: what is the difference between definitions in the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime and local legislation?
Lecturer guidelines
Students will likely find that legal definitions use different language. They should attempt to describe how the difference in language can affect how the legal system identifies a computer, data or a network.
Exercise # 2: Web page load speeds
Have the students measure web page load speed. Open a web page in Google Chrome. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of Chrome. Click "More tools" -> "Developer Tools" -> "Performance". Press Ctrl + E to start recording and refresh the web page. Once the web page has loaded, stop recording and explore how long it took different parts of the web page to load. Why did different parts of the web page load at different times?
Lecturer guidelines
The students should attempt to explain why different parts of the web page loaded at different rates. Based on what they learned from the lecture, they may discuss the way computers talk to each other, or even how DNS affects load times.
Exercise # 3: Internet penetration rates
Many people overestimate the Internet penetration rates in their country. This can lead to interesting discussions about groups that are connected and groups that are not connected.
Answer some of the following questions:
- What is the Internet penetration rate in your country?
- What groups have the most difficulty connecting to the Internet and why?
- Does everyone that is connected to the Internet have the same opportunities?
Lecturer guidelines
The goal with this exercise is to familiarize the students with statistical methods and collecting and verifying data. The last two questions deal with critical thinking skills and touch on social science. In all cases, the lecturer should evaluate the evidence that the students give for whatever claim they propose. The lecturer should also try to evaluate the truth and reasonableness of the claim.
Exercise # 4: Data breach investigation
Online data breaches are relatively common in the news. Some stories, however, are weak on the details.
Have students research major data breaches in their country. Can students identify the type of vulnerability that led to the data breach?
Often, students will not be able to find technical details about data breaches. In such a case, have the students discuss what might have happened, giving evidence about why they think so.
Lecturer guidelines
The lecturer should answer the following questions:
- Did the students identify a real data breach from the news?
- Was the vulnerability that caused the breach identified?
- Is the vulnerability found by the student supported by evidence?
Possible class structure
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