This module is a resource for lecturers
Student assessment
This section provides a suggestion for a post-class assignment for the purpose of assessing student understanding of the Module. Suggestions for in-class assignments are provided in the Exercises section.
To assess the students' understanding of the Module, the following post-class assignment is proposed:
1) Write an essay on ways/approaches for detecting corruption. If started in class, ask students to select the detection approach they like the best, and expand it into a report (3-5 pages). The written report should describe the approach in detail including its advantages and disadvantages. This assessment can be made more challenging by inserting a research component, where students research other approaches and distinguish between them. For an even greater challenge, the lecturer can forward all or some of the essays to an anti-corruption NGO or government office for discussion and feedback, which can then be shared with the class as appropriate.
2) Evaluation of Corruption Reporting Mechanisms. Give students detailed information concerning a complaint about corruption that someone wants to report. Let students identify the appropriate method of reporting and explain why they chose that method (3-5 pages). This assessment should include a means of evaluating the reporting method, which can be generated by the lecturer, or even better developed together with the students, e.g., ease of use, simplicity, links to additional information.
3) Interviewing and Reporting. Put students into teams and have each team identify reporters of corruption or whistle-blowers, either in their home country or internationally. Under the lecturer's guidance, and depending on available logistics and resources, assign teams the task of interviewing identified persons face to face, over skype, or over email. Have teams write up the interview data with an analysis (5 pages). This assessment can also be made more challenging by inserting a research component, where students research the background of the incident and provide that as part of their written analysis. A research component can also be inserted after the individual has been identified and before the interview, followed up by incorporation of the research into the written report (7-10 pages).
4) Journaling a Whistle-Blower's Experience. Assign students the task of identifying a whistle-blower who has experienced retaliation. Ask students to then assume the identity of the whistle-blower and write up his or her experience in a journal or diary, as if they were the one who experienced it (5-10 pages). Include an additional 1-2 pages for students' reflections on their experience in writing the journal, and whether it affected their perceptions of corruption or retaliation.
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