Join us in our campaign at #TechSafeSpace to make the Internet safer for everyone. 


Misuse of technology can affect the lives of anyone we know, including ourselves. However, by advocating for and practicing safe and responsible use of technology, everyone can contribute to a Tech Safe Space.

Recommendations for Governments

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Recommendations for The Public

Watch this full interview video from UNODC to learn how the misuse of technology can affect the lives of anyone we know, including ourselves.

Inclusivity in Technology

Despite the notable increase in internet accessibility across Southeast Asia, a stark digital divide remains, limiting access and opportunities for many. Particularly striking is the underrepresentation of women, who account for only 35% of the technology workforce in the region.

 Additionally, technology-facilitated gender-based violence has surged in recent years, posing substantial threats to women's safety and well-being both online and offline. This highlights the urgent need to safeguard and promote women's rights in the digital age.

Human Rights and Freedom of Expression

The threats posed by technology extend to human rights and freedom of expression. Instances of online censorship, where authorities restrict access to information or stifle dissenting voices, highlight the need to safeguard internet freedom and combat censorship and the persecution of journalists and media professionals.

 According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Disinformation and Misinformation

Misinformation is the unintentional spread of inaccurate information. While disinformation is the intentional spread of deceptive and harmful information.  Both can be spread by various actors and have serious consequences, including:  

-Undermining human rights,  
-Disrupting public policies,  
-And escalating tensions during crises or conflicts

What is Transnational Organized Crime (TOC)?

Transnational organised crime (TOC) involves numerous international criminal activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, and cybercrime. It operates dynamically, adapting to exploit markets and innovate new criminal methods. Transcending beyond national boundaries, TOC disregards cultural, social, and legal constraints.
How TOC applies Social Engineering in Cyber enabled Fraud

TOC utilises social engineering techniques to exploit user vulnerability, manipulating them into revealing personal data or granting unauthorised access to obtain money directly or obtain confidential information to enable a subsequent crime. Social media platforms serves as a preferred channel, though contact may also occur by telephone or in person.

Cryptocurrency Payments for Illicit Activities

Criminal organisations exploit the pseudo-anonymity offered by blockchain technology by using tactics to obscure the origin of funds. This includes using social media platforms and mixing services to blend tainted coins with legitimate ones, as well as managing multiple wallets to conceal connections to criminal activities.

Human Trafficking in TOC

Organized crime groups have developed and implemented a sophisticated plan to defraud people around the region while utilising trafficked victims to carry out criminal activities.

Watch this animated video from the Tech Safe Space Campaign designed by UNODC to raise awareness about the safe and responsible use of technology in Southeast Asia.