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  • Actman, Jani, ‘Cecil the lion Died Amid Controversy – Here’s What’s Happened Since’ (2018) National Geographic
  • Ahmed, Abrar, Imperilled Custodians of the Night: A study on illegal trade, trapping and utilization of owls in India (TRAFFIC India/WWF-India, 2010)
  • Alacs, Erika & Arthur Georges, 'Wildlife across our borders: a review of the illegal trade in Australia' (2008) 40(2) Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 1
  • Ayling, Julie, A regulatory approach to demand reduction in the illegal wildlife market, RegNet Research Papers No.82 (2015)
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  • Bale, Rachael, ‘Cecil the Lion: Charges Dropped Against professional Hunter’ (2016) National Geographic
  • Broad, Steven et al, 'The Nature and Extent of Legal and Illegal Trade in Wildlife', in Sara Oldfield, Trade in Wildlife: Regulation for Conservation (Routledge, 2012)
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  • Bürgener, Markus et al, Towards a Sustainable Wildlife Trade: An Analysis of Nature Conservation Legislation in South Africa with Particular Reference to the Wildlife Trade (University of Cape Town, Institute of Criminology, 2001)
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  • CITES Secretariat, Wildlife Crime (undated)
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  • EIA, High profit/low risk: Reversing the wildlife crime equation, A briefing for the Kasane Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade (EIA, 25 March 2015)
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  • European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy, Wildlife Crime (2016)
  • FAO, Bushmeat sourcebook (2015)
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  • Felbab-Brown, Vanda, The Extinction Market: Wildlife Trafficking and How To Counter It (Oxford University Press, 2017)
  • Ferretti, F et al, Global Consequences of Shark Declines, Lenfest Ocean Program Research Series (August 2010).
  • Global Witness, 'Buyers in Good Faith': How Timber Exporters are Complicit in Plundering Peru's Amazon (Global Witness, 2017)
  • Gluszek, Sarah et al, Urban Bushmeat Trade in Kinshasa and Brazzaville,report prepared for the Wildlife Conservation Society (April 2018)
  • Harrison, Joseph R et al, 'Assessing the extent and nature of wildlife trade on the dark web' (2016) 30(4) Conservation Biology 900
  • Heinrich, Sarah et al, 'Where did all the pangolins go? International CITES trade in pangolin species' (2016) 8 Global Ecology and Conservation 241
  • Hinsley, Amy, The role of online platforms in the illegal orchid trade from South East Asia (The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, September 2018)
  • Holden, M H & E McDonald-Madden, 'High prices for rare species can drive large populations extinct: the anthropogenic Allee effect revisited' (2017) Journal of Theoretical Biology 170
  • IFAW, Wanted - Dead or Alive: Exposing Online Wildlife Trade (IFAW, [undated])
  • Jaramillo-Legoretta, Armando et al, 'Saving the Vaquita: Immediate Action, Not More Data' (2007) 21(6) Conservation Biology 1653
  • Kishor, Nalin & Richard Damania, 'Crime and Justice in the Garden of Eden: Improving Governance and Reducing Corruption in the Forestry Sector', in J Edgardo Campos & Sanjay Pradhan (eds), The Many Faces of Corruption: Tracking Vulnerabilities at Sector Level (The World Bank Group, 2007)
  • Kurland, Justin & Stephen F Pires, 'Assessing U.S. Wildlife Trafficking Patterns: How Criminology and Conservation Science Can Guide Strategies to Reduce the Illegal Wildlife Trade' (2017) 38(4) Deviant Behaviour 375
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  • Livingstone, Emily et al, 'A review of bear faming and bear trade in the Lao People's Democratic Republic' (2018) 13 Global Ecology and Conservation [s.p.]
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  • Maldonado, Angela Maria & Thomas Lafon, 'Biomedical Research vs Biodiversity Conservation in the Colombian-Peruvian Amazon: Searching for Law Enforcement Where There is a Lack of Accountability', in David Rodríguez Goyes et al (eds), Environmental Crime in Latin America: The Theft of Nature and the Poisoning of the Land (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) 261
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  • Miller, Jackson et al, Species of Crime: Typologies & Risk Metrics for Wildlife Trafficking (C4ADS, May 2015)
  • Miller-Spiegel, Crystal, Primates by the Numbers: The Use and Importation of Nonhuman Primates for Research and Testing in the United States (NCBI, 2011)
  • Moreto, William D., and Andrew M. Lemieux. "From CRAVED to CAPTURED: Introducing a product-based framework to examine illegal wildlife markets." European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 21.3 (2015): 303-320
  • Moreto, William D & Stephen Pires, Wildlife Crime: An Environmental Criminology and Crime Science Perspective (Carolina Academic Press, 2018)
  • Nellemann, Christian et al, The Last Stand of the Gorilla: Environmental Crime and Conflict in the Congo Basin (UNEP, 2010)
  • Nijman, Vincent & Chris R Shepherd, Wildlife Trade from ASEAN to the EU: Issues with the trade in captive-bred reptiles from Indonesia (TRAFFIC, 2009)
  • Patel, Nikkita Gunvant et al, 'Quantitative methods of identifying the key nodes in the illegal wildlife trade network' (2015) 112(26) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 7948
  • Petrossian, Gohar A & Robald V Clarke, 'Explaining and Controlling Illegal Commercial Fishing: An Application of the CRAVED Theft Model' (2014) 57 British Journal of Criminology 73
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  • Phelps et al, Jacob, 'Tools and terms for understanding illegal wildlife trade' (2016) 14(9) Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 479
  • Phillips, Clive C J, The Animal Trade (CABI, 2015)
  • Pires, Stephen F, 'The Heterogeneity of Illicit Parrot Markets: An Analysis of Seven Neo-Tropical Open-Air Markets' (2015) 21 European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 1
  • Pires, Stephen F & Ronald V Clarke, 'Are Parrots CRAVED? An Analysis of Parrot Poaching in Mexico' (2012) 49(1) Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 122
  • Pires, Stephen F & William D Moreto, The Illegal Wildlife Trade, Oxford Handbooks Online (Oxford University Press, 2016)
  • Pires, Stephen F & Gohar A Petrossian, 'Understanding parrot trafficking between illicit markets in Bolivia: an application of the CRAVED model' (2016) 40(1) International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 63
  • Rosen, Gail E & Katherine F Smith, 'Summarizing the evidence on the international trade in illegal wildlife' (2010) 7 EcoHealth 24
  • Schmidberger, A et al, 'Development and application of a method for ivory dating by analyzing radioisotopes to distinguish legal from illegal ivory' (2018) 289 Forensic Science International 363
  • Shepherd, Chris R & Vincent Nijman, Pet Freshwater Turtle and Tortoise Trade in Chatuchack Market, Bangkok, Thailand (TRAFFIC, 2008)
  • South, Nigel & A Brisman, 'Critical Green Criminology, Environmental Rights and Crimes of Exploitation', in Simon Winlow & Roland Atkinson (eds), New Directions in Crime and Deviance (Routledge, 2013) 99
  • Strydom, Hennie, 'Transnational Organized Crime and the Illegal Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora', in Pierre Hauck & Sven Peterke (eds), International Law and Transnational Organized Crime (Oxford University Press, 2016) 264
  • Sundari, Anita & Crawford Allan, Dismantling Wildlife Crime, Executive Summary (WWF, TRAFFIC, November 2012)
  • Sung, Yik-Hei & Jonathan Fong, 'Assessing consumer trends and illegal activity by monitoring the online wildlife trade' (2018) 227 Biological Conservation 227
  • Symes, William S et al, 'The gravity of the wildlife trade' (2018) 218 Biological Conservation 268
  • Tacconi. Luca, 'Defining Illegal Forest Activities and Illegal Logging', in Daniela Kleinschmitt et al (eds), Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade - Dimensions, Drivers, Impact and Responses, IUFRO World Series vol 35 (2016)
  • Tella, José J & Fernando Hiralod, 'Illegal and Legal Parrot Trade Shows a Long-Term, Cross-Cultural Preference for the Most Attractive Species Increasing Their Risk of Extinction' (2014) 9(9) Plos One [s.p.]
  • Tensen, Laura, 'Under what circumstances can wildlife farming benefit species conservation?' (2016) 6 Global Ecology and Conservation 286
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  • van Uhm, Daan, 'Illegal Wildlife Trade to the EU and Harms to the World', in Toine Spapens et al, Environmental Crime in Transnational Context: Global Issues in Green Enforcement and Criminology (2016) 43
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  • Warchol, Greg, 'The Transnational Illegal Wildlife Trade' (2004) 17(1) Criminal Justice Studies 57
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  • Wiersema, Annecoos, 'Incomplete Bans and Uncertain Markets in Wildlife Trade' (2016) 12 University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review 65
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