This module is a resource for lecturers
This section contains material that is meant to support lecturers and provide ideas for interactive discussions and case-based analysis of the topic under consideration.
Exercise # 1 ~ Is It a Cybercrime?
Cyberattacks were conducted by a loose coalition of hackers. These hackers claimed responsibility for the cyberattacks and posted their reasons for conducting these attacks on Twitter (i.e., to demonstrate vulnerabilities to nuclear critical infrastructure sector). The hackers gained remote access to nuclear facilities and modified operations without causing damage to the facilities.
Is this incident considered a cybercrime? If so, which one? If it is not, why do you think so? Explain your answer using references from the materials and readings.
Exercise # 2 ~ A Case of Cyberterrorism?
Watch the this video .
Since the publication of this video in 2013, has cyberterrorism occurred? Why do you think so? Please support your points with evidence-based arguments.
Exercise # 3 ~ Responses to Cyberattacks
Employees of a Country A-based computer company are accused of having conducted numerous distributed denial of service attacks against the financial services sector and having accessed the industrial control system of a dam in Country B. Significant economic damage was reported by the financial services sector; the dam, however, reported only information theft. While the perpetrators gained access to the industrial control system (ICS) of the dam which would enable remote modification and operation of its system, the part of the ICS that would enable this modification and operation was offline and undergoing maintenance at the time of the incident. It is believed that these employees were sponsored by Country A.
- What type of cyberincident is this scenario describing? Why do you think so?
- What would be needed to prove that Country A was responsible?
- What are some obstacles you may encounter in proving that Country A was responsible?
- What actions can be taken in response to this cyberintervention? Why do you think so?
Exercise # 4 ~ Fake News
A game called Factitious has been created that checks players fake news judgement (Watson, 2017).
Have students read the following article: Watson, Tennessee. (2017). To Test Your Fake News Judgment, Play This Game. NPR, 3 July 2017.
After students finish reading the article, they should play the games on Factitious.
Once they played the games, students should create a fake news piece similar to those in the game. The news piece they create should involve an issue that was recently presented in the news (i.e. two to three weeks prior to the completion of this assignment). Students should come to class prepared to discuss their fake news piece and answers to the questions below.
Discussion Questions
- Can fake news be easily identified? Please explain your response.
- What actions can individuals take to identify fake news?
Possible class structure
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