This module is a resource for lecturers
Core reading
The following readings are (mostly open source) required readings that should be completed before taking a class based on this Module:
- Basamanowicz, J. and Bouchard, M. (2011). Overcoming the Warez Paradox: Online Piracy Groups and Situational Crime Prevention. Policy & Internet, Vol.3(2), 1-25.
- Calia, Kurt, David Fagan, John Veroneau, Gina Vetere, Kristen Eichensehr, Frank Cilluffo, and Christian Beckner. (2013). Economic Espionage and Trade Secret Theft: An Overview of the Legal Landscape and Policy Reponses.
- Chaudhry, Peggy E., Sohail S. Chaudhry, Stephen A. Stumpf, and Hasshi Sudler. (2011). Piracy in Cyberspace: Consumer Complicity, Pirates and Enterprise Enforcement. Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 5(2), 255-271.
- Hinduja, Sameer and Jason Ingram. (2008). Self-control and ethical beliefs on the social learning of intellectual property theft. Western Criminology Review, Vol. 9(2), 52-72.
- Kobus, Martyna and Michal Krawczyk. (2013). Piracy as an ethical decision. University of Warsaw Working Papers, No. 22/2013 (107).
- Morris, Robert G., Matthew C. Johnson and George E. Higgins. (2009). The role of gender in predicting the willingness to engage in digital piracy among college students. Criminal Justice Studies, Vol. 22(4), 393-404.
- Poppe, Andrew F. (2014). More than the Sum of All Parts: Taking on IP and IT Theft Through a Global Partnership. Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, Vol. 12(4), 254-290.
- Sheinblatt, Julie S. (1998). The WIPO Copyright Treaty. Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Vol. 13(1), 535-550.
- Silbey, Jessica M. (2018). The Mythical Beginnings of Intellectual Property. George Mason Law Review, Vol. 15, 319-379.
- Wall, David S. (2017). The Theft of Ideas as a Cybercrime: Downloading and Changes in the Business Model of Creative Arts. In M. McGuire and T. Holt (eds). The Handbook of Technology, Crime & Justice (pp. 161-177) , Routledge.
Advanced reading
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