This module is a resource for lecturers
Advanced reading
The following readings are recommended for students interested in exploring the topics of this Module in more detail, and for lecturers teaching the Module:
- Amnesty International (2015). Police Oversight - Police and Human Rights Programme Short Paper Series.Amsterdam: Amnesty International.
- APT (Association for the Prevention of Torture) (2013). Monitoring Police Custody - A Practical Guide. Geneva: APT.
- Bastick, Megan (2014a). Integrating Gender into Oversight of the Security Sector by Ombuds Institutions & National Human Rights Institutions. Geneva: DCAF & OSCE/ODIHR.
- Bastick, Megan (2014b). Integrating Gender into Internal Police Oversight . Geneva: DCAF, OSCE & OSCE/ODIHR.
- Costa, Paulo and Thorens, Isaline (2015). Training Manual on Police Integrity . Geneva: DCAF.
- Friedrich, Andrew, Masson, Nicholas and McAndrew, John (2012). The Media and Security Sector Governance. In J. McAndrew, eds. The Role of Media in Security Sector Governance: A Toolkit for Trainers. Geneva: DCAF.
- Goldsmith, Andrew (2005). Police Reform and the Problem of trust. Theoretical Criminology, vol. 9, No. 4, 443-470.
- Neidig, Peter, Russell, Harold E. and Seng, Albert F. (1992). Interspousal Aggression in Law Enforcement Families: A Preliminary Investigation, Int'l Rev. Police Dev., 30.
- OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) (2009). Guidebook on Democratic Policing by the Senior Police Adviser to the OSCE Secretary General. Warsaw: OSCE.
- Ripley, Amanda and Timothy Williams (2017). " Body Cameras Have Little Effect on Police Behavior, Study Says", New York Times, 20 October 2017.
- Stinson, Philip, Brewer, Steven, Mathna, Brooke, Liederbach, John and Christine Englebrecht (2015). Police Sexual Misconduct: Arrested Officers and Their Victims, Victims & Offenders, vol. 10, No. 2, 117-151.
- Transparency International (2013). Whistleblower Protection and the UN Convention Against Corruption .Berlin: Transparency International.
- Transparency International (2018). Whistleblower Protection in the European Union - Analysis of and Recommendations to the Proposed EU Directive . Berlin: Transparency International.
- United Nations (2011). The Updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice , GA Resolution 65/228. New York: UN.
- United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) (2014). Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns . New York: UN.
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (2017). Resource Book on the Use of Force and Firearms in Law Enforcement.New York: UN.
- UNODC (2017). Assessing Compliance With the Nelson Mandela Rules - A checklist for Internal Inspection Mechanisms. New York: UN.
- Wakefield, Alison and Jenny Fleming (2009). Sage Dictionary of Policing. London: Sage.
- Yildirim, Nazli S (2017). Monitoring Law Enforcement - A guide for Ombuds Institutions . Geneva: DCAF.
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