This module is a resource for lecturers
Additional teaching tools
This section includes links to relevant teaching aides such as PowerPoint slides, video material, case studies, and other resources that could help the lecturer teach the issues covered by the Module. The slides and other resources can be adapted by lecturers.
PowerPoint presentation
Video material
- This film on crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), produced by WITN Channel 22, exemplifies CPTED in residential settings. (11 minutes)
- The Christchurch City Council has produced a video which introduces CPTED in the context of rebuilding Christchurch following the 2011 earthquakes. While the film does not clearly link environmental design and crime prevention, it does il lustrate principles of improved city design, and could therefore be a useful case study. (5 minutes and 40 seconds)
- This TEDx talk, by Joel Caplan, is entitled Focus on Places, Not People, to Prevent Crime. The film provides insights into: designing urban settings to prevent crime; the importance of localized approaches to crime prevention; and an explanation of a geospatial analysis platform, Risk Terrain Modelling (RTM), which uses big data to help police reduce crime through identifying and targeting place-based risks. (9 minutes and 30 seconds)
- UNODC's Line Up Live Up Programme features a series of videos called Choose Sport. These films showcase youth crime prevention through sport in different regions of the world. (each film approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds)
- This animated film showcases a violence and crime prevention initiative in South Africa. Produced by Fine-Line Illustrations, the film introduces the underlying structural factors/risk factors that can lead to violence i.e. inequality, lack of access to education etc. The film also identifies a range of protective factors (such as gender equality, safe public spaces) to illustrate the importance of integrated approaches to addressing crime and violence. (4 minutes and 20 seconds)
- Produced by the Canadian Municipal Network on Crime Prevention, this film promotes the importance of investing in prevention programmes for youth. (6 minutes)
- Produced by the Winnipeg Police Service, this film features a police officer talking about the importance of being proactive in preventing crime. (2 minutes)
- Produced by Axis Communications, this film is entitled Safer City with Efficient Crime Prevention showcases a project implemented in the city of Vicente Lopez in Argentina, in which CCTV cameras are used to manage urban spaces. (3 minutes)
Numerous websites have relevant resources including:
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- United Nations Habitat Safer Cities
- International Centre for the Prevention of Crime
- Campbell Collaboration
- Crime Reduction Toolkit Prevention (UK)
- UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science
- National Crime Prevention Council (US)
- National Network for Safe Communities (US)
- European Crime Prevention Network
- European Forum for Urban Security
- International CPTED Association
Further information about some of these (and many other) important crime prevention organizations is provided in the Further Resources section.
Further resources
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