This module is a resource for lecturers
Core reading
This section provides a list of (mostly) open access materials that the lecturer could ask the students to read before taking a class based on this Module.
- Basu, Kaushik (2011). Why, for a Class of Bribes, the Act of Giving a Bribe should be Treated as Legal .
- Ferguson, Gerry (2017). Global Corruption: Law, Theory and Practice . Third Edition, University of Victoria .
- Graycar, Adam (2015). Corruption: Classification and analysis. Policy and Society, vol. 34, pp. 87-96.
- Huberts, Leo, and Alain Hoekstra (2016). Integrity management in the public sector: The Dutch approach . The Hague: Bureau Integriteitsbevordering Openbare Sector.
- Milhaupt, Curtis J., and Mariana Pargendler (2017). Governance Challenges of Listed State-Owned Enterprises Around the World: National Experiences and a Framework for Reform. Cornell International Law Journal, vol. 50, issue 3, pp. 473-542.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2005b). Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector: A Toolkit . Paris.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2016). Preventing Corruption in Public Procurement . Paris.
- Persson, Anna, Bo Rothstein, and Jason Teorell (2013). Why Anticorruption Reforms fail: Systemic corruption as a collective action problem. Governance, vol. 26, issue 3 (September), pp. 449-471.
- Shah, Anwar (2006). Corruption and Decentralized Public Governance. World Bank Policy Research Working Papers Series. Washington DC: The World Bank.
- Soreide, Tina (2002). Corruption in Public Procurement: Causes, consequences, cures. CMI Reports. Bergen, Norway: Chr. Michelsen Institute.
- Tanzi, Vito (1998). Corruption around the world: causes, consequences, scope and cures. IMF Working Paper. International Monetary Fund.
- Transparency International (2016). What is Grand Corruption and How Can We Stop It? 21 September.
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2018). Good Practices in Public Sector Excellence to Prevent Corruption .
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2017). Combatting Corruption Among Civil Servants: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on What Works .
- Williams-Elegbe, Sope (2018). Systemic Corruption and Public Procurement in Developing Countries: Are there any solutions? Journal of Public Procurement, vol. 18, issue 2, pp. 131-147.
- Zinnbauer, Dieter (2012). Ambient Accountability: Fighting Corruption when and where it happens.
Advanced reading
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