The Challenge |
The UNODC Sahel Programme supports the development of accessible, efficient and accountable criminal justice systems to combat illicit trafficking, drug trafficking, organized crime, terrorism and corruption in the region by:
Promoting the adoption of national legislation and the implementation of international conventions as well as fostering regional and international cooperation to combat these issues efficiently;
Strengthening the capacity and information exchange between law enforcement entities and regional mechanisms to enhance detection and interdiction, especially at airports and land borders;
Improving criminal justice systems by promoting integrity safeguard mechanisms and Police - Justice cooperation through anti-corruption and anti-money laundering training;
Enhancing scientific evidence and investigation procedures by providing authorities with appropriate forensic laboratories and firearms control measures;
Supporting access and treatment of people in contact with the judicial system by strengthening the frameworks of human rights, legal aid, victim and witness protection, and prison reform;
Mainstreaming gender throughout the criminal justice chain.
The UNODC Sahel Programme has been developed within the framework of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS), which the UN Secretary-General launched in June 2013. The UNISS is a multidimensional response to the challenges faced in the Sahel and revolves around three key priorities: making governance more inclusive and effective, building capacities to counter cross-border threats, and strengthening the resilience of the Sahelian people. UNODC co-leads the UNISS Peace and Security Pillar with the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and implements its Sahel Programme in close collaboration with other UN Nations entities, regional entities as well as other technical and financial partners.