Launch Ceremony and Workshop on Countering Violent Extremism Through Community Engagement

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© UNODC-Pakistan

25 April 2024, Islamabad - Promoting Peace and Resilience: In a landmark initiative to combat violent extremism and promote community resilience, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Pakistan, in collaboration with the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) and with the generous support of the European Union (EU), organized a pivotal workshop titled "Countering Violent Extremism Through Community Engagement."

During the opening session of the workshop, the project was launched on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism. The launch ceremony was filled with determination and represented the joint commitment of stakeholders to combat extremism. The workshop, held from April 23 to 24, 2024, convened a diverse cohort of stakeholders, including representatives from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across Pakistan, policymakers, experts, and key dignitaries.The launch ceremony, graced by esteemed figures such as Mr. Muhammad Tahir Rai, National Coordinator of NACTA, Jeremy Milsom, UNODC Country Representative, and Dr. Christian Raitz von Frentz, First Secretary at the European Union Delegation to Pakistan, set the tone for collaborative action against extremist ideologies.

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan

During the launch ceremony, Mr. Muhammad Tahir Rai, National Coordinator of NACTA, highlighted the significance of collaborative initiatives in combating extremist threats. He emphasized NACTA's commitment to working hand-in-hand with UNODC and the EU to implement effective strategies.

Dr. Christian Raitz von Frentz underscored the EU's financial and strategic support, affirming the importance of community-driven approaches in addressing the root causes of radicalization. Jeremy Milsom, UNODC Country Representative, reiterated the organization's dedication to promoting peace and resilience through capacity-building and knowledge sharing.

The workshop agenda was meticulously crafted to facilitate in-depth discussions and strategic planning. Sessions delved into policy support, victim assistance, communication strategies, and youth empowerment. These sessions aimed not only to share insights and best practices but also to foster the development of four crucial networks:

  • Policy Support Network: Crafting effective counter-violence strategies.
  • Victim Assistance Network: Providing comprehensive support to victims.
  • Communication and Narratives Network: Countering extremist narratives.
  • Youth Empowerment Network: Engaging and empowering young individuals.
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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan

Through interactive sessions and brainstorming, participants collaboratively drafted Terms of References (ToRs) for these networks, outlining their objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes.

The success of the launch ceremony and subsequent sessions underscored the collective determination to combat extremism. Stakeholders left the workshop equipped with actionable strategies, renewed partnerships, and a shared commitment to building resilient communities against violent extremism. This collaborative effort, funded by the EU, signifies a crucial step towards sustainable peace and security in Pakistan.

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