Empowering Women in AML/CFT: A Step Towards Inclusive Leadership A Pioneering Conference

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© UNODC-Pakistan

18 May 2024, Karachi - A groundbreaking event took place, addressing the gender gap in the pivotal fields of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT). The Conference on Empowering Women Leaders in AML/CFT was not just a conference but a beacon of change, illuminating the path for women striving to lead in these crucial sectors.

Despite strides towards diversity, women remain notably absent from leadership roles in AML/CFT. This disparity is more than a statistic; it’s a barrier to innovation and a comprehensive approach to financial crime prevention.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU) and National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) with the financial support from the Embassy of Denmark spearheaded this initiative. Distinguished chief guest Mr. Saleem Ullah lent his voice, emphasizing the urgency for gender diversity.

The conference’s first session, “Breaking Barriers: Women’s Leadership in AML/CFT,” tackled the tough questions. It was a deep dive into the challenges women face and the opportunities that await when these barriers are dismantled.

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan
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© UNODC-Pakistan

The second session, “Recruitment and Development of Women Leaders in AML/CFT,” shifted focus to practical solutions. It was a strategic discussion on attracting and nurturing female talent in leadership positions.

Esteemed panelists shared their journeys, inspiring with their leadership tales and proving the invaluable contributions of women in AML/CFT.

With 160 female participants from diverse sectors, the conference was a testament to the growing commitment to female leadership.

The Conference on Empowering Women Leaders in AML/CFT was more than an event; it was a catalyst for change. It set a precedent for future initiatives, promising a world where women’s leadership is not just welcomed but expected.

The conference concluded with a strong message of commitment towards fostering an inclusive environment where women can excel and lead in AML/CFT. The event was a testament to the collaborative efforts of FMU, UNODC, NACTA, and the Embassy of Denmark, which collectively highlighted the significant role of partnerships in advancing gender diversity within leadership roles.

The UNODC, NACTA and FMU’s dedication to promoting gender diversity and leadership continues. We anticipate more empowering events, driving progress and breaking new ground in the AML/CFT sectors.

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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