Diplomacy in Action: LUMUN 20 Wraps Up Shaping Future Leaders

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© UNODC-Pakistan

4 January 2024, Islamabad -  As the sun set on 2023, so did the twentieth edition of Lahore University of Management Sciences Model United Nations (LUMUN) after a landmark celebration of two decades of diplomatic engagement. The event brought together a vibrant community of over 900 delegates from institutions spanning Pakistan and beyond. The delegates simulated Model United Nations from 28 to 31st December 2023 at LUMS engaging over four days of intense dialogue, critical thinking and cooperation. More than a gathering, this conference became a melting pot of ideas, collaboration, and action bringing diverse perspectives, with the invaluable support of UNODC as one of the key sponsors, providing the technical and financial backing. 

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© UNODC-Pakistan

The collaboration between LUMS and UNODC demonstrated a shared commitment to empowering the youth with the tools of diplomacy and global awareness. This year the UNODC’s Committee Session was structured around a targeted debate on the theme of 'Survivor-Centered Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response in Criminal Justice.' This thematic committee witnessed a phenomenal participation, with delegates immersing themselves in nuanced discussions and simulations, mirroring the real-world challenges faced by the international community in addressing GBV.

 Speaking at the concluding ceremony, Syed Waqas Tirmazi, Officer-In-Charge, Criminal Justice and Legal Reforms, UNODC Pakistan appreciated the energy and enthusiasm that each participant had  brought to the discourse. He underscored the relevance of the theme of Gender-Based Violence that needs concerted efforts to address gender disparities globally, not just in Pakistan but beyond. He extended heartfelt congratulations to the members of the organizing team and LUMUN Society on orchestrating an event of such magnitude and significance that had not only made this conference possible but also set a benchmark for excellence.

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The keynote speaker, Mr. Shahid Malik, a distinguished public servant holding the esteemed positions of Patron of LUMUN, Director General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, High Commissioner to India, Canada, Trinidad, Guyana, and Ambassador to Venezuela shared wealth of diplomatic experience and motivational insights with the delegates at the closing ceremony. 

The impact of draft resolutions proposed in the aftermath of LUMUN 20 will go beyond the confines of LUMS, providing inspiration and motivation to the future of youth. The friendships forged, the skills honed, and the lessons learned at LUMUN became the building blocks for a cohort of future leaders ready to navigate the complexities of the interconnected world. 

In short, LUMUN 20 will undoubtedly contribute to mentoring the future leaders and supporting UNODC’s effort towards making the world a safer, inclusive and more just place for all.

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© UNODC-Pakistan
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